
Sep 15, 2006 21:33

hawaii trip day 3 and 4

Ok so...uh...
On our last whole day of the trip, I ended up waking up in beautiful Hawaii...to sit in my hotel room and do homework for half the day T_____________T
Two lectures and two quizes later, Papa and Mama wanted to go souvenir shopping for all the peoples back home. We only went for a couple of hours before it was time to meet the group for dinner. We thought we would be late...but we were like...the first ones there XD. So I took the time to roam around the hotel to get more purty pictures. I love this picture cause Papa's all like..."I'm the man (now dog)". When everyone finally showed up, we all boarded the shuttle for a 45 minute drive to Lahaina. Tis like the St. Augustine for Maui. For you non-floridians, that means it is REALLY OLD. The town was full of little shops and art galleries. I spent a good amount of monies there XD
After shopping for a bit, it was time for A GIANT PRIME RIB OF DOOM dinner. I got a bit tipsy from chugging a pina colada that was waaaaay too strong. doot doot.
The place we had diner (Kimo's) we had a sexiful view and I got to take lots and lots and lots of pictures of the sunset.
There was more shopping an merriment before we shuttled back to the hotel where I ended up marathoning Samurai Champloo. Yes, I FINALLY finished it! Then it was bed around 3am-ish.

Day 4 was pretty uneventful. Before checked out, Papa when on a quest for Fairmont Hotel Pens XD.
The only eventful thing that happened on the 17 hour (+6 hours for damn time changes) trip was that Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from Whose Line is it anyway(youtube links stolen from argy) were on our flight from Maui to Los Angeles. I wanted to get Colin's autograph, but I was scared...so I called Argy for a pep talk, only to find out that Mom got it for me while I was gone. XD
(that's one of papa's perfume sample cards XD XD XD)

hawaii, pictures, rl

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