This is the way to JAPAN!!!!

Nov 27, 2004 20:30

what a day today. I LIVE for days like know...days where I can wake up whenever I want, lock myself up in my room, and not deal with ANYONE all day long ^_^

Yesterday was alright too. Got to see Sarah, Sean, and Zack for the first time in a while. AAAAAND I got to spend time with the Cuz's at the same time. We were supposed to catch Alexander at, but we were too late for the movie. So we went bowling instead.
Right: 121
Left: 130

Today was the best though. The only way it could have been better would be if we got a castle during WoE. Today I've spent the entire day in between my laptop, and my desktop....(both on) with my cell and ipod charging behind me, and me eating chicken.


I finished the Ragnarok anime today, as well as PGSM: Special Act...

I loved that anime. Though, you have to play/have played/or be familiar with the game to fully appreciate it. Kinda corny...but I love corn!
Though the whole Yuufa and Keough staring contest scenes got bothersome after the 32451253th time they did it. Oh and uh...
I really enjoyed seeing evil Yuufa...I guess I like seeing the nice ones go bad for some reason ::cough:: Dark Mercury ::cough::
This is one of those anime where I can't pick a favorite character. Though I am quite partial to the healer...she was a real brat most of the time.
+/- I liked music but it got really repetative...much like the game's music, though I doubt they did that on purpose
+ animation of skills
++ voice acting
- plot-ish

The lack of Mars made me very sad. Very...
I wanted them to fight together T_T
Though, I was glad to see the Rei/Minako interaction during the wedding ::beams::
Half the fun of watching the special act was Shingetsu's transcripts...they had me laughing on the floor for a bit.
And Mio....oh about laughing on the floor. All I could think when I saw the Mio Monster was, "MMMMM Tentacles!"
Did Miyuu do Queen Serenity? Cause if so...she should be a voice actress as well o.O
Hmmm what else...oh yeah...Shitenou yumminess!
The part with the curtain....and Jedite and Nephy XD XD XD
and yes...I got a bit teary at the flashbacks cause that was the "Now it is all over!" part.

Too lazy to write more...
I have to catch up on 7 statistics lectures tonight ^_^
lalala...oh look Ragnarok is back up...
::halo glows::

random anime, zack, serena, pgsm, ro, the fam

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