
May 10, 2003 00:52

Wow, what a day. Its been a full day with a wide range of emotions. I found out I got exempt from the AP Eng final. I was bouncing off the walls and running laps around the school, and ...having asthma attacks. Wee! Only one final to take! I'm kinda down now. Although, Char's live journal was fun.

I realized today that Mr. Mash is a total donkey to the Cat. He takes every opportunity to be mean to her. Moo him, and his little dog too.

Saw the old ROTC seniors from last year. I miss them. We were invited to the Spacey's house, but I no go. ::shrug:: We had fun here, though. We missed the Serena, and the Cat couldn't come. That leaves me and 3 boys (Buddha, Zack, and the Zaku-brother Matt). Do you know what that means? That means that we can't go up to the heaven bubble of my room. Wee. There isn't much to do downstairs. After an hour or so of Bomberman on the SNES, I broke down, and brought the Cube down. ::sigh::

I don't know why everything is annoying me. The phone was mean, the computer was mean, the Mash was mean, the Mom was mean....gargh. I want to explode. Yet, I am happy over my exepmtion. I'm blah.

We are supposed to study for AP Bio tomorrow. Yay.

koi, zack, rotc

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