We've all heard this before. Many, many times. "Girls don't want nice guys." "Nice guys always finish last." "Girls just use 'nice guys' until the bad boys come around."
There seem to be so many so called "Recovering" Nice Guys in the world. Guys who were supposedly everything a woman would want, and who went ignored, until they day they had a magical revelation that woke them up to the reality that men only want women who use them and treat them like shit. In short, all women want are assholes.
Never mind that the logic is both insane, and that it's been applied to all women everywhere without regard for true individual preference (I mean, what about the women who want other women? Does this still apply?)
I've encountered this bullshit quite often, and what frustrates me about it the most is that I'm ever able to say anything, offer any argument, that can break through the wall of misogny and bitterness that these Recovering Nice Guys carry around with them.
And then, we have Jeff Fecke over at Shakesville. This morning, Jeff brings us a great post dissecting the ravings of one so called Recovering Nice Guy at the world. The original post was posted over at Craigslist as something like an open letter to all women everywhere. Jeff takes it apart, and breaks down the (lack of) logic therein, better than anyone else I've ever seen.
This is highly, highly recommended reading:
Click here to saunter over to Shakesville