[Fanfic] Mini Nanowrimo, Day 2, Football RPF (English update)

Nov 10, 2010 01:12

[EN] No, I'm not kidding. I just keep writing for miniNano but I didn't post other days' ficlets yet: two ficlets require a beta-reading, another two are still unfinished.
This is Day 2 fill. \o/ Boys lovin', whore!Deki, it's a fic written for my pleasure, I guess.

[Football RPF] Hot 'n' Cold
He's trying to be a friend, rather than something else.
Davide Santon, Mario Balotelli, Dejan Stankovic | 14+ | slash

Day 2 goal: 825/150 *done*
Final goal: 1025/4500 (not counting un-posted words - grand-total would say 2197/4500 otherwise)

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#ficspam, #nanowrimo2010, fandom: rpf football, #english

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