
Jan 29, 2009 15:44

so I just had my monthly meeting with my boss Mou, who proceeded to fondly her breasts throughout the meeting (she's breastfeeding).

she listened to all the projects I'm working on lately.  She typically has trouble following me, and thinks I'm talking about a different project when I'm still talking about the same project.

Projects by department:

Subject Guides (website)ReferenceFaculty Scholarship DatabaseLibrary-wideNabb websiteNabb centerSurvivor game (website)ReferenceZotero training dbLibrary-wideCollection DevelopmentReferenceMeebo chatCirculationOrder cards db (website)Ref/Tech ServicesUsability TestingLibrary-wideTributes pageTech servicessalmon forms db (website)Reference
11 projects. 5 for Ref. 3 Lib-wide. 2 Tech services. 1 for Circ and 1 for Nabb.  So of the 5 things I'm doing for Reference, 4 of them directly involve me as it involves the website.

Alice, the Dean, told Mou to tell me that I'm no longer to go to Reference Services meetings, as
1. it's a waste of my time if I'm not on the agenda. I shouldn't stay for the whole meeting.
2. I'm too buddy/buddy with Reference. "I belong to the whole library."
3.  I'm not in Reference Services.

1.  Bullshit, dude. Bullshit.  I go to the meetings because what they talk about directly affects what I do.  I present something at almost every meeting.

2.  I am not. I have friends in all the departments, but beyond that I treat everyone with the same professional attitude. It offends me she's implying I don't.  I said as much, and she said I was taking it too personally.

3.  Actually, I have desk shifts and provide reference assistance, so yeah I do their job, I should be in their meetings.

It's not the meetings are cool and awesome.  They don't even have cookies.  It's the implication that someone is wondering how/why I'm spending my time.  dude, I get my job done, and that's a lot more than other people can say around here.

Another thing.  Mou doesn't like that she finds out I'm working on projects second hand. Well, Mou maybe you should come to meetings or read the minutes, I tell her.  She says she's not welcome at the meetings.  That's retarded dude.  You're the boss. People appreciate you being their advocate, so you should be at the meetings if you want to know the problems firsthand.  So she tells me whenever I'm *thinking* about starting a new project or doing a mockup, I have to let her know, so that she knows every little thing I'm working on.  She's my boss, so I sort of understand.  But I don't see her except for these little once a month meetings.  She's doesn't give me work or give me feedback ever.

And another thing.  Whenever I do make a mockup, I am to use silly questions about Disney characters so that no one will get offended thinking I have already prescribed the content everyone is to use.

I told her I have never been at a place where I have to take so many people's egos into consideration before I do anything.  She said it's very bad here, but she's already given up on changing anyone or doing anything about it.  then she proceeded to tell me how everyone in the whole library loves me, I have such a great attitude, and that everyone says I do a good job.  Whatever would they do if I left?  Indeed, dude.

I vented to Mandy and Tina (who was nice enough to come to my office as I stopped myself from crying).  Mandy's thoughts: we can't deal with Stephen directly, so they're making us all adjust to his hang-ups.  And we are SO going to the gym during work sometime next week.  Even if I have to go out the front, and her out the back, so no ones knows we're too buddy/buddy.  God forbid, they find out I do my laundry at Krista's and we have a Guitar Hero band.

If I had any kind of repoire with Mou outside these meetings, I might not get so offended.  But this all feels very officious, and like they're looking down on me from a fish bowl.  I've never had such a boss/employee relationship like this.  GAH.
