Most of you folks who are in the area should have gotten this via evite already, but I'm posting this in case I don't have your current email addresses:
On April 11 (Easter Weekend), I will be part of an all-Filipino cast performing Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theater.
This is a one-time performance sponsored by the Filipina Women's Network, an organization based in San Francisco, to raise awareness of domestic and sexual violence in the Filipino American community, and will be benefiting a local organization that assists the Asian American community with matters pertaining to sexual and domestic violence. If you are at all interested in coming to see it, you can see more details here: While the FWN has been hosting this Filipino rendition since 2004 in San Francisco and then later in New York, this is the first time this performance is making it to DC. The organizers were only able to negotiate one time slot, so the show will be mostly in english, with a few key monologues performed in both English and Tagalog. We're trying to get a packed house to help pave the way for future performances, so if you know anyone at all who might be intersted, please do forward them the link.
Wish me luck in my Theatre (note the capital T) debut!