UGH. I am now officially a victim of petty office politics, and as such do not currently have access to the web at work, so now this job is a COMPLETE fucking waste of my time as opposed to a vague waste of it. Oh well. time to buy a sketch pad and a book on writing screenplays and find non-internet associated ways to keep sane.
oh yeah. I scored 51/400 on this
purity test I'm apparently a dirty girl.
And in other news, a couple of entries back, I referred to GPD turning me on to the band morphine... Well, GPD has since requested that I change his moniker, "German Party Dan", into "Gigantic Penis Dan", because he'd like that word to get around my network of feminine gossip. So from no on, that is what GPD stands for. Just wanting to keep you all on top of things, despite the asanine lack of internet at my workplace. That is all.