The Dark Side of the Moon, chapter 1

Dec 27, 2011 11:27

Hello lovely people! Did everyone enjoy their Christmas? I ate way too much and now I can't move. The perfect time to upload my fic, I reckoned. A little while ago, I promised I would write some kinky smut, which would be part of a larger story. Well, here is the first chapter. It is relatively mild, but it is still definitely NC-17. Please read the author's note for some further explanation about what is going on.

Title: The Dark Side of the Moon
Pairings: Ian/Anthony 
Ratings/Warnings: NC-17, powerplay, dirty talk, humiliation, bdsm.
Summary: An evening in the bedroom with Smosh.
A/N: Ian and Anthony are in a D/s relationship. D/s = dominance and submission. This means that one partner is submissive to the other (in this case only in the bedroom). Everything is consensual, and they use a safeword (although this is not mentioned here). If you have questions/concerns/whatever about this, don't hesitate to ask me.
Previous Chapters: None.


Ian's voice was hard, the command non-negotiable. Anthony shivered. Just how he liked it. He had been standing in their bedroom for the past thirty minutes. Ian had ordered him to go there and wait for him. It had been half an hour before Ian had shown up. Anthony had known better than to sit down on the bed; Ian had not said that sitting down was allowed, and with the bedroom door open he would have caught Anthony before he would have had time to stand up. Ian sometimes liked to keep him waiting, half-hard from anticipation, a little nervous and a lot exited.

Anthony hurriedly undressed, but he took the time to neatly fold his clothes and place them on a nearby chair, just like Ian always wanted him to. He never looked up at Ian's face. He hadn't earned that right yet this evening. Instead he had his eyes trained on the floor and on part of Ian's feet and legs. He could see Ian move closer. Ian was still fully dressed, except for his shoes. Anthony could see his feet move away from him, in the direction of the desk. They stopped near where the drawer was located. The drawer where they kept some of their more... 'interesting' stuff in. Anthony could see that Ian had his back to him so he quickly looked over to see what Ian was getting.

What Ian pulled out of the drawer must have been put there by Ian himself, because Anthony was sure he had never seen it before. Or actually, them. Ian had grabbed two soft, brown, leather gloves out of the drawer and put them on. They fit his hands so perfectly that Anthony briefly wondered if Ian had let them specially made. Anthony quickly looked down again, before Ian would turn around and caught him staring. He could hear Ian approaching. Ian's breathing was calm and easy, Anthony was already breathing twice as fast as normal and they hadn't even begun yet.

Ian slowly circled him, checking him out, occasionally letting his gloved hands glide over Anthony's body. Ian's fingers brushed over Anthony's left nipple, which immediately hardened. Ian chuckled. “Look at you, boy. You want it bad, don't you? Don't answer that, your body tells me enough.” Anthony remained silent, letting Ian play with his body as much as he wanted. Here in the bedroom Anthony's body did no longer belong to himself. It was Ian's to play with, to fuck, to hurt or to pleasure if he so desired. He was Ian's, but Ian was his just as much.

“Do you wanna know why I'm wearing these?” Ian waved his gloved hands in front of Anthony's face. “It is because I don't want to touch a dirty boy like you. Not before I've made you mine again.” Anthony was confused. He didn't recall having done anything that would make him dirty, literally or figuratively. Ian chuckled darkly. “You don't remember, do you? Think back to the day before yesterday, when your lovely ex-girlfriend showed up. Do you see what I am getting at, boy?”

Anthony suddenly knew what Ian was talking about. Two days ago Kalel, his ex, had unexpectedly shown up, begging Anthony to take her back. Anthony had broken up with her a year ago when he caught her cheating on him. Anthony had told Kalel that he was not interested anymore, and he had tried to close the door. Kalel, however, would have none of it. Before the door could fully close, she had squeezed her way through and had thrown herself in Anthony's arms. She had tried to kiss him, running her hands all over his face and chest. Anthony had been frozen at first, but then he came to his senses and he had literally thrown her out. When he had leaned back against the now closed door, he had found Ian staring at him. Ian had asked him if he was alright, and when Anthony had nodded they had spoken of it no further.

The next day had been spend filming and they had crawled into bed too tired to even think about sex, let alone actually have it. The had kissed a few times during the day, but nothing more than that. This night was the first night they were going to have sex again after the Kalel incident, and Anthony had looked forward to it. They would often have “normal” sex, without one partner assuming the dominant role, but tonight Ian had indicated that he want to have a D/s session, and Anthony had been all for it. Now he understood why Ian had wanted it.

Ian roughly grabbed his hair and yanked his head back before whispering in his ear: “That filthy bitch touched you, was all over you, like you were hers to touch. I am the only one who is allowed to touch you like that, no one else, never.” Anthony felt his cock become fully hard. Ian was incredibly hot when he got all possessive like that. Ian stroked his free hand over Anthony's face, running his thumb over his lips. “I'm going to take you back boy, don't you worry about that. I'm gonna make you realize that you are mine, and only mine. But I am not going to touch you directly. The only thing that will touch you, is my cock. Just so you know what you are good for and to who you belong. Is that understood?” Anthony nodded breathlessly. He could hardly wait.

Ian let go of him and studied his gloves. “Get on the bed, on your elbows and knees.” He ordered without looking up. Anthony scrambled to obey, climbing on their shared bed before taking the ordered position, leaning his head on his hands. He felt vulnerable like this, head down and ass in the air. He was completely at Ian's mercy. He heard Ian move closer and he felt a hand run down his back, softly stroking him until the fingers stopped at the swell of his behind. Ian kept his hand there for a moment, not saying anything. After a moment he removed his hand and Anthony could hear the dry snick of the bottle of lube being opened. Within seconds Ian returned and knelt down behind Anthony.

Ian placed his non-lubed, gloved left hand on Anthony's left buttock and circled his hole with the index finger of his right hand. Ian did not give Anthony much time to prepare before he pushed the first finger in. Ian's gloves were seamless, and his fingers were covered in a thin layer of lube, but the gloves did contribute to the thickness of his finger. Anthony let out a soft groan when Ian pushed his finger all the way in. He had taken much more from Ian before, but this was a bit more at once than he was used to before any kind of preparation.

Ian smacked him softly with his free hand. “Save those noises for when we get really started. You are still gonna take three fingers, gloves or not.” Ian carefully pushed a second finger inside Anthony, not stopping until he was all the way in. Anthony bit his lip but succeeded in keeping quiet. He knew from experience that Ian's second slap would be much harder. Ian slowly pumped his fingers in and out a few times, before scissoring them to open Anthony more fully.

Anthony forced himself to relax his muscles around the intrusion, but it was hard to do. He knew Ian was avoiding touching his prostate on purpose. This was about more than sexual pleasure, it was about Ian reclaiming Anthony, exercising his right to do to Anthony whatever he wanted. After a few minutes of Ian sliding his fingers in and out of Anthony's ass, Ian pressed the third finger in. Three leather covered fingers being pressed inside him hurt, but he knew that Ian would never take it too far. So once again he bit his lip and let Ian pump his fingers in and out. This time Ian did touch his prostate, knowing that it would take Anthony's mind of the pain. The effect was immediate. Anthony's toes curled and he had to grip the sheets tight to keep himself from pushing back on Ian's fingers.

Suddenly Ian leaned over. “Do you feel that? I bet you do. You should see it though; it is quite a sight. Your hungry hole is taking this easily, just like I thought it would. You're such a slut aren't you? Can't have a slut like you running around everywhere, now can we? You would probably let every person with a dick fuck you, wouldn't you? Just look at you, lying all wanton and desperate here, craving every touch. You're loving every second of it, don't you?” Anthony could do nothing but nod. He didn't care if he was a slut, if it meant Ian would keep going he was willing to be anything.

Ian, apparently, thought differently about continuing with what he was doing. He pulled his fingers out and Anthony mourned the loss of Ian's fingers inside him. He could feel Ian moving behind him, and he heard Ian unzip his pants. He couldn't hear him taking them off though, so Ian must have been serious about only his cock touching Anthony. Anthony was completely fine with that right now, as long as Ian would hurry up and fuck him already. Fortunately Ian did not keep him waiting for very long. He grabbed Anthony's hips, lined up, and shoved his cock all the way in, until Anthony could feel Ian's jeans against his ass.

Anthony had been well prepared but full penetration never failed to make him feel a bit shaky. He was glad that Ian was gripping his hips very tightly, holding him up. He would probably have bruises on his hips, but right now he didn't care. Ian pulled almost all the way out before plunging right back in. He started a punishing rhythm, roughly slamming inside over and over again, ramming his cock against Anthony's prostate in rapid succession. Anthony's hard cock was leaking on the bed, but his hips were held high enough that he could not rub his erection against the bed to seek some relief.

Behind him he caught broken phrases from his lover, whose breath was now coming in short gasps: “Slutty boy... Taking it like a pro ...You love it... Mine, mine, only mine...” Anthony was not sure how long he could take this. Ian was taking him hard, pain and pleasure mingling and becoming one, filling his senses, drowning him, and still Ian wasn't letting up.

Right when he thought he couldn't take it anymore Ian leaned over and grabbed his weeping cock in his left hand. He pumped it a few times, before whispering: “Come.” The combination of Ian pounding away inside him, his gloved hand on his cock, and the whispered order was enough to send Anthony over the edge. He came, squeezing his eyes shut but still seeing the world turn white. He felt his cock pulsing and shooting come on the bed below him. The pleasure was indescribable and he must have passed out for a moment, because when he came to Ian had already pulled his cock out and was stroking Anthony's hair back from his sweaty face.

“Are you alright?” Ian asked concerned, “I wasn't too hard on you, right?” Anthony managed find his voice and assured Ian that he was quite alright. Ian grinned, relieved that Anthony wasn't hurt. He quickly stood up and walked over to the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went. Anthony carefully turned to his lie on his side. He could already feel Ian's come start to leak from his ass. Ian was so gonna lie in the wet spot later, he thought.

When Ian returned he had brought a wet towel with him, which he used to gently clean Anthony up. After a session like this, Ian was always very considerate and gentle with him. Ian had explained to him that it was part of the aftercare: the dominant partner had to make sure that the submissive partner was alright. After all, by taking the dominant role, Ian had taken responsibility for Anthony's well-being, and it was part of that role to take care of Anthony afterward. When they would have normal sex, they would often joke around afterward, pushing each other to lie in the wet spot, but after a bdsm session they would usually cuddle very close, which meant that no one would have to lie in the wet spot.

When Ian was done cleaning Anthony, Anthony rolled over to lie on his back. His ass hurt, and Ian must have seen Anthony wince because he was upon him in seconds and urged Anthony to open his legs. “I need to check if I didn't injure you, Anthony, please let me take a look.” He begged. Anthony knew that refusal was not an option. Ian would keep nagging him about it until he agreed, so he wordlessly let Ian take a look at his ass. Ian carefully prodded around a bit before happily declaring: “It's just a bit red, but nothing too bad.” Anthony smiled a tired smile. “I could have told you that, but I don't think you would have listened.” Ian smiled back. “Nope.” He carefully extracted the covers from underneath Anthony's naked form and draped them over his lover. He then crawled up next to him, leaning his head on Anthony's chest. “Good night.” He whispered. “You too,” Anthony whispered back, “I'm yours again, Ian.” But Ian was already fast asleep, and Anthony followed soon after, cradling his lover in his tired arms.

I am not completely satisfied with this, but I hope you liked it anyway. There are gonna be more chapters!

slash, nc-17

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