Updating because I'm a sheep.

Dec 23, 2005 01:41

Updating seems to be the trendy thing to do, so here goes...
I am currently sitting in Starbucks, with cheesy Christmas music playing, having just devoured a double chocolate muffin. It wasn't even that good. I am ashamed.
Dubai so far is...interesting. I've been to 5 malls in the past 5 days. Apparently that's all there is to do here. I love shopping, but...every day?? I am not made of money. Especially since I owe my parents 2000 dollars for the ticket I had to buy since I missed my flight. I'm such a screwup, I know.
There are a bajillion foreigners here, from all over. I'm not sure which ones are tourists and which ones actually live here. It's a little surreal, all these different accents--South African, British, Australian, but not that many Americans.
I got my hair dyed at a salon yesterday. I was aiming for pink, but it came out orange, which I also like. It's streaks, so my natural color is present as well. It's sort of tiger-ey. My Dad hates it. i'm such a rebel. Bwahahaha.
What's funny is my whole wardrobe is pink, which doesn't really go well with orange. So everything I wear clashes horribly with my hair. I love it.
O...k, I don't really have much else to say...huh. Off to find something new to do. Maybe make the Gingerbread house. Yay.
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