Wow, I haven't written in like a gazillion years. I'd like to say it was because I was being a social butterfly, but I'd be lying. I mean, I went away for a few days with Sammie and a friend, but that's about it
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Dahling! It's Beauty and the Beast! Learn your Disney ;). Oh GOD, I remember Mulan 2. And remember how Bret was whining and we were like, "you're still HERE, aren't you??" Ah, I love that boy really. I thought of you last night. We played SPOONS!!!!!!! Remember, playing with Cyd and Stef the night of King and Queen? Except last night, we played with shots. WHoever was spoonless had to take a shot. It turned into a sort of vicious cycle, because whoever lost, took a shot, was further uncoordinated, lost again, took another shot, and basically was caught in a losing streak until someone took pity and drank their shot for them. It was a helpful activity. We were cleaning out the liquor cabinet. We're not allowed to take any to Dubai. And get this, we're travelling with like 2000 books, right, and they find that SUSPICIOUS, so they're going to be extra stringent with our stuff. Plus if they think a book is pornographic (naked ladies--art books and stuff), they confiscate it. So we have to go through everything. Plus no shorts or sleeveless tops. And it's like a furnace there in the summer. Ok, I'll stop bitching now. Tell me about the boringness that is your summer. Leave no details out. Later dahling! ~Char
OMG!! You never told me you were moving to dubai!!! Well, OK you mentioned the possibility sometime last year, but stil.. How are your parents taking leaving Greece?! I guess dubai will be like Brunei but worse. In brunei they used to black out (with a marker) the bits in magazines that showed bare ARMS or LEGS (scandal!!)! One of my old friends here lived in Dubai for a year or so, she hated it. Women aren't allowed to drive, long sleeves and pants, all sorts of seemingly ridiculous restrictions. Be thankfull you'll be in the US most of the year (albeit studying...or whatever). Don't your rentals get an alcohol allowance because they'll be expats? We did in Brunei, got it flown in from AUZ...sad, i know. Oh, and congrats on getting drunk! You're all grown up now!! LOL!
I thought of you last night. We played SPOONS!!!!!!! Remember, playing with Cyd and Stef the night of King and Queen? Except last night, we played with shots. WHoever was spoonless had to take a shot. It turned into a sort of vicious cycle, because whoever lost, took a shot, was further uncoordinated, lost again, took another shot, and basically was caught in a losing streak until someone took pity and drank their shot for them.
It was a helpful activity. We were cleaning out the liquor cabinet. We're not allowed to take any to Dubai. And get this, we're travelling with like 2000 books, right, and they find that SUSPICIOUS, so they're going to be extra stringent with our stuff. Plus if they think a book is pornographic (naked ladies--art books and stuff), they confiscate it. So we have to go through everything. Plus no shorts or sleeveless tops. And it's like a furnace there in the summer.
Ok, I'll stop bitching now. Tell me about the boringness that is your summer. Leave no details out. Later dahling!
How are your parents taking leaving Greece?! I guess dubai will be like Brunei but worse. In brunei they used to black out (with a marker) the bits in magazines that showed bare ARMS or LEGS (scandal!!)! One of my old friends here lived in Dubai for a year or so, she hated it. Women aren't allowed to drive, long sleeves and pants, all sorts of seemingly ridiculous restrictions. Be thankfull you'll be in the US most of the year (albeit studying...or whatever). Don't your rentals get an alcohol allowance because they'll be expats? We did in Brunei, got it flown in from AUZ...sad, i know.
Oh, and congrats on getting drunk! You're all grown up now!! LOL!
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