Title: i had a nightmare here
Fandom: Push
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Push isn't mine
Pairings: hints at Cassie/Nick (why, yes, I am going to Hell)
Word Count: 100
we_are_cities feb 17 09***
Cassie shoved open the door to the motel room and squinted at the watercolor print above the bed. “I had a nightmare here,” her mouth let slip before her brain could catch up.
Nick, who was fussing with the chain on the door, looked down at her. “You’ve been here before?”
She couldn’t tell him that she hadn’t had the nightmare yet. That she’d seen herself waking in a cold sweat, panting desperately as her fingers scrabbled on the nightstand for her notebook and markers. His hand soothing over her back as he tried to calm her, wrinkling her shirt.