Awwww... X-Mas presents ^-^

Dec 15, 2005 12:31

It's raining. Not snowing but raining *headdesk* I want my snow back *pout* the only fantastic thing about this day are the great gifts/cards I got from my lj friends:

1) the very beautiful card from billy_red_ocean *tackle hug* (you are so talented, hon ^-^)
2) the wondeful Peace-on-Earth card from atomicpagan *huggles*
3) the Amanda-DVD (OMG) from xfairy1013 that totally rocks *snuggles*
4) the very mysterious X-Mas present from truthlostmsr *shakes it* it looks like a book and sounds like one... another x-file I have to solve... *massive hug attack* ^-^

♥ Thank you all ♥ you made my day :) ♥

misc: christmas 2005, misc: christmas cards, misc: christmas, mercy: package

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