Jul 20, 2010 22:48
It was awesome and terrifying and woah!action and woah!sexy and have I mentioned AWESOME?
I'm too hyper to say anything but AWESOME, so I'll wait till I am on ground-level again (which means tomorrow afternoon) and write about it.
But Adrien Brody as Royce and Alice Braga as Isabelle were LOVE! Oh, and once or twice it was like "Mommy, do we follow Daddy?" which totally headdesked the moment but was very rotfl-worthy. Srsly. *nods*
Awesome. More awesomeness tomorrow. ♥
Can't wait for screencaps. Need to picspam. *sigh*
movie pairing: isabelle/royce,
mercy: fandom,
mercy: shipper!me,
mercy: love,
movie: predators