Aww, loveship!

Mar 27, 2010 12:29

That was such a nice way to come home to yesterday! ♥

Thank you ankareeda and lorettakay for the yummy Easter v-gift. *squishes* LiveJournal is offering free v-gifts again but I haven't figured out how often they do that and if it's actual planned...

Nonetheless it's awesome. :D

Dad's having a non-birthday party (or something like that) later this afternoon and I'm not really looking forward to it because half of the people are alien to me. *sigh* At least my sisters will be there and we shall raid the buffet. xD

And the randomness of today:
Rock is dead and paper killed it. And the Scissor Sisters aren't far behind...

st. mercy, st. mercy: friends, mercy: real life, misc: easter, mercy: livejournal, st. mercy: family, mercy: love

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