Easter Loving. :D

Mar 22, 2010 17:24

I had a rather uneventful weekend except for our dog having a rather hilarious one-to-one with the water hose. xD

Dad rebuild the graden fence and needed someone to hold stuff. *facepalm* Now the fence looks quite pretty and just needs to be oiled once more to be weather-fit. ♥

If Dad could now redo the fence infront of the kitchen windows before Easter... =D

Btw, Easter, after ankareeda's cute little Sparky Bunnies (Whee, John got the heart for Elizabeth!), I decided to put something Easter-ish up in the office as well.

The flower shop next door got lotsa things for Easter, some done by kids, and so I mixed them and got this:

For some reason I'm really looking forward to Easter. ^^

st. mercy, misc: easter, st. mercy: family, misc: funfunfun, mercy: work, mercy: real life, mercy: fandom, mercy: love, mercy: random

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