Fairy Tale goes SciFi (SyFy)

Mar 15, 2010 19:56

I have a serious obsession with Tin Man and Alice from our lovely SciFi SyFy. *clings* Sure, Tim Burton's Alice is fantastic in its own way but first I have to get over the disturbing fact that I ship Stayne/Alice. O_o

Planning on picspamming TM asap (like I did Legion's Michael/Charlie and Iron Man's Tony/Pepper) with the ever-angsty Cain and stubborn-hugging DG. ♥

Can't wait to see what SyFy comes up next...maybe Little Red Riding Hood... *rotfl*

Edit: Duh, seriously, people, I didn't know they were actually planning to do LRRH. No idea. OMG, I have the Sight. *flails*

tv show: alice, mercy: fandom, movie: legion, tv show: tin man, movie: iron man, movie: alice in wonderland

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