Mar 07, 2010 11:14
The concert was a BLAST! Kevin Costner and Modern West totally rocked the hall yesterday. xD
And the best? He went throught he audience to get to the stage and I was like only an arm length away from him! *flails* You never get that close again to any superstar unless you stalk them. Ahem.
We really enjoyed the evening. His violinist was ♥ as was Sara Beck. Who gave me an autograph on her CD. Totally worth buying it. ^^
Ears are still a bit deaf-ish and I could use another round of sleep but with the sunny weather outside, I'll wait till tonight and go earlier to bed. *bounce*
Have a sunny and lovely second-half-of-the-weekend! *squishes f'list*
misc: music,
mercy: real life,
mercy: love