SGA - Recap + Screencaps 2x18 Michael

Jan 18, 2006 19:29

Here is the recap and the screencaps of 'Michael'. There are 215 caps in the recap. So, not really dial-up friendly. I tried to keep the shipper comments at a minimum but there is still Elizabeth/John and Teyal/Ronon in this recap. If you don't like these pairs, don't read it or just look at the pics of whomever you fancy and skip the written parts.

Here are the links to zip-files with 520 screencaps (13,8 mb): YSI Link or Megaupload Link If you use them, please credit me. Thanks ^-^

At first glance this episode seems unnecessary but after I watched it, I have to admit: It has this little something. Connor Trinneer as the troubled Wraith-turned-human-and-now-turning-back-to-ugly-innerself was not a bad choice. For me the episode stands a little aside from the other episodes (does that make any sense at all?) but just like the last episodes (Critical Mass, TLG and Coup d'etat) it's far better than some others.
And there's another thing: Elizabeth made the decision. Her dark side is not so hidden anymore...

Even if it doesn't look like it, there is Sparky (Elizabeth is so in control of John) and of course Spanky (Teyla is so in control of Ronon) *giggle* Sooooo, here comes either the

Short Version

Poor human!Michael (with big holes in his memory) suddenly starts feeling wraithy. Teyla tries to make him feel at home in 'Lantis but Ronon gets all primitive/possesive and plays his cave man routine. John is not sure how he feels about Michael, eyesexs with Elizabeth while she bites her nails about her decision to let wraith!Michael turn human. Carson wears the whole time the I'm-so-doomed look and plays Beckettstein. Rodney wants blue jello. Oh and Kate (Heightmeyer) tries to help human!Michael overcome his wraithy feelings.

or the

Long and wraithy/dirty Version

Stardate XXXX2006, Commander Trip wakes up in a stra- WHOOPS! Wrong show *skitters over to 'Lantis* Okies, right show now: A man-who's-name-we-do-not-know wakes up in one of the observation rooms in Atlantis.

He looks confused and a little desoriented.

In her office Elizabeth-the-one-who-always-works gets a call over radio.

Carson: "He's awake." Ohhhhhhhh... very dramatic *cough*

Back in the infarmery the man-without-name gets flashed by a flashlight that belongs to Carson.

The doors open a reveal our favourite doing it against all surfaces couple. Btw, where did Lizzie found John?

Carson infroms them that everything is normal, and the man-who-really-needs-to-get-a-name is 'bouncing back quite nicely.'

Man: "Bouncing back from what?" Great he knows how to talk and all that stuff but that expression he doesn't know. I will not start on this illogical logic of these situation cause I'm not Vulcan.

Elizabeth: "Hallo, Michael." (I'm just guessing but could this name have to do with the Archangel Michael?) OMG he has a name *bounce*

And did you see HOW CLOSE Sparky stands together? I so love the No-Personal-Space policy *grins*

Elizabeth asks Michael if he knows her but he doesn't. Lucky for him. John is the only one who is allowed to 'know' her *giggle*

She introduces herself and John *happy sigh* Hand meets leg *yay*

John: "You served under my command." How can you forget that?????? 'Under his command' *melts* *wants to be under John*

Michael: "...." Still nada *smacks him over the head* You are so not worthy to serve under him!

Elizabeth starts question him if he knows where he is but Michael doesn't even know who he is. Elizabeth tells him, his full name is Lt.Michael Kenmore.

But there's still nothing from Michael *sigh*

As Elizabeth mentions the name 'Atlantis' a lightbulb goes off! Whoopie! John jumps in and explains what happened to Michael, his capture by the Wraith.

Another lightbulb *blink*

Michael: "What did they do to me?"

Elizabeth: "We're not quite sure yet." Ô.o

John: "We sent a rescue team but you were wounded." Ah, that's why he was knocked out so long. Anf I thought you and...

Carson: "You were unconscious for days."

Elizabeth assures him that they will find out what happened and how to help him. Now I feel much better. Really. I think...

Cut to one of the room above the observation room. The observation room of the observation room! Elizabeth enters the scene.

Teh Shep.

Aaaand the last one is Carson. Together they stand at the window from which they can see Michael.

Elizabeth wants Carson to keep a close eye on him.

Cause this could be only the start of their problems. John is so not a happy Colonel. No sex. Damn *pouts*


Fade to Crason who gives Michael a shot to stabalize the bloodsomething. Sorry but I didn't understand all this scienecbabble *hides*

Carons also tells Michael that he suffers from amnesia, they want to help him, don't want to overwhelm him but Michael is already kinda overwhelmed. Who wouldn't be?

As Carson turns away, the smile disappears... uh oh... *bites her nails*

Cut to Teyla entering the same/another observation room above the observation room, telling Carson she heard he was awake. Carson infroms her about the amnesia thingy. Together they stand again at on of the windows.

Teyla wants to speak with him. Eyes up, girl!

I know Carson looks yummy but we have a little problem down there. Not there! The other there.

Carson: "Of course."

Teyla eyes take in Carson's tired face an she tells him to rest. Awwwww...

Carson: "...." Well, if mommy tells you to rest, you have to listen *grins*

Cut to Michael in obsroom. Teyla enters and introduces herself. She looks familiar to Michael. He wants to know if they are friends. Teyla nods.

Makes Michael very happy.

They bla bla bla about Michael being a fine soldier, his capture and his heroic sacrifice to save his teammambers. Adoring Teyla *cuddles her*

Michael flirts right back. Niiice.

(Teyla, honey, don't foget your Tazan...) She doesn't.

Cut to massive sexy men and women meeting. Add Lorne and Cadman and you get an orgy!

Teyla tells them that Michael think they are friends. Elizabeth wants to know what she responded.

Teyla said, she told Michael yes. Some positive news wouldn't hurt him ^-^

Kate agrees. Elizabeth wants to know what the next stage is: Intergration. Good luck, guys!

John can't keep his eyes off her legs. Bad boy *smacks him*

Elizabeth: "How is he physical?"

Carson: "Everything is normal." John doesn't look happy. Again. No nice evening *sigh*

Elizabeth: "Do you think he is ready to be released?" Sure, such a fine speciman...

Carson: "I do." Huh? You want to marry?

John: "I don't." Good boy. You will only marry Lizzie! Dorky John!!!

Elizabeth stands up and locks eyes with John. Higher ground, eh? John still sits (doesn't want to be on the recieveing end of Lizzie's wraith *cough*)

John isn't sure if he's ready to be released.

Elizabeth asks Kate who agrees with Carson.

Elizabeth gives her ok.

John is sooooooooooo not happy. He wants to have fun with her. Not with the you-know-what!

Cut to Teyla and Michael in his new room. Very window-ish.

His room is under surveillance.

Ohhhh, Big John is watching you!

Teyla and Michael bla bla bla about the things in his room and his family.

And John is still angry at Michael for busting his sex orgy.

Cut to Rodney! Missed you! Rodney wants blue jello. Now *sigh* Big baby.

He sees Michael and says hello.

Rodney behaves like the genius he is and soon Michael just wants to be far far away. Before Michael leaves he sees on Rodney's pc something that has to do with the Wraith and their genes (I think). Uh oh... Rodney is soooo doomed...

Anyone able to read this? Volunteers?

Cut to Teyla kicking Michael's ass. Whoopie, girl. Yay, yay, yay!!! Ouch...

Then Michael is supposed to kick hers. He's not sure if he can do that move.

Teyla assures him that he can. Bad, bad move, girl *shakes head*

Michael so kicks her ass. Big ouch.

Suddenly he is literally yanked off her and pinned to the wall by no other than... Ronon. Sorry guy but where did you hide?

Ronon: "Keep your hands off her." (subtext: MINE!) *is a melted puddle* OMG so hot and posessive and Teyla-is-my-woman-so-back-off *swoons*

Teyla: "...Let him go. NOW!" (subtext: You wann sleep on the couch tonight?) She has him so under her thump.

Reluctantly Ronon lets Michael go *sigh* Without saying a word.

Michael: "I'm sorry." I pity Michael. Poor guy *huggles him*

Cut to Michael and Kate talking about the Ronon-thing and how she's going to help him. Michael is just tired from all the stress.

Fade to a nightmare of his. Walking through a Hiveship, seeing other Wraith. Michael awakes and wants to get some water.

Suddenly he sees a Wraith in his mirror *screams*

This time Michael awakes for real.

Cut to Teyla and Michael talking about his dreams.

He wants to know why he's having them. He thinks they did something to him and that's why he has that dreams.

Teyla tells him that he's not the only one with dreams.

Cut to sex-is-in-the-air. Elizabeth wants to know if that was the only dream he had.

Teyla: "Yes. He believes the Wraith did something to him."

Elizabeth (to Carson): "Can you do something to help him?"

Carson: "Perhaps." Wow, I'm feeling much safer now >.<

Rodney and Carson flirt like hell. Okay, maybe it's more like bantering but hey, a girl can dream!

Teyla: "Why do we not tell him just the truth?" Good question. Ronon is not happy.

John: "..."

Teyla starts to question if their course of action is the right one. Not only you, girl, not only you...

Cut to Michael having another nightmare *pokes nightmare in the eye*

He visits Heightmeyer again. She assures him it's only stress.

But Michael gets the feeling that there's more to him and this situation than the others let him believe. Uh oh...

Cut to Michael coming from Carson's office where he got viagra pills, meeting Big John and Trazan. John makes a joke *facepalm*

He shows them his pills... not his you-know-what *giggle fit*

Michael wants to apologizes to Ronon.

And offers him a handshake to lay their differences to rest.

Ronon's reaction... (I don't wanna know what he does when you want to hug him...)

John has to play peacemaker *sigh* God, he looks hot *bounce*

Cut to 'Lantis at night.

Michael has another nightmare *sigh*

He goes to Beckett but that is asleep. Suddenly Michael sees his surname on a calendar. Mmmmm....

He looks around if someone is watching but nope, the soldiers a flirting *headdesk*

Michael tries to hack into Carson's laptop but he dosn't have the password >.<

The he finds a bag with disks. His name is on it.

Going back to his room (he so lied to his bodyguards...)

He goes over to a couch and the observation room flails.

Michael watches all 12 disks... not good. So not good. NO!

Michael is totally down.

Suddenly Carson storms in the room. He looks scared.

*is totally scared*

Cut to Halloween Fog Atlantis...

Michael: "You lied to me. I'm a Wraith." *swallows hard*

Elizabeth: "You wrere a Wraith."

Michael threatens Lizzie and John gets all posessive and protective *wheee*

Elizabeth wants to explain and Michael glare at her but lets her talk. But no more lies!

Bla bla bla about the evolution of the bugs that became the Wraith.

Carson steps in and reveals his developed retrovirus that surpresses the Wraith elements in the genetic code. They decided to test it.

Michael: "Injections?"

He is more than angry at them.

Michael: "What gives you the right to do this to me?" Exactly!

John: "We are at war!" Can be that this is a reason but still...

Michael: "You made everything up!" John is very uncomfortable.

Elizabeth: "It was my decision." *sigh* You are truely a leader *hugs her*

Michael: "Why?"

John tells him that Michael is way better off now as a human. Ooooookay...

Cut to leader meeting. Ronon: "This whole thing was a bad idea." Yup.

John: "No, it wasn't." Why do you always have to say the exact opposite? Huh?

Ronon glares at him. (subtext: That thing is flirting with my girl!)

Elizabeth sees trouble coming into town.

John plays Know-It-All and think they could infiltrate a whole Hiveship. Whoopie!

Teyla is not so sure.

Carson says, it would only work if they make the virus lasting forever.

Elizabeth points out that they've come very far.

Ronon and his deep, sexy voice *melts* jump in again and John sighs inwardly.

Ronon: "You can make him look like a human, talk like a human but he will still be a Wraith." RUMS. Brilliant conclusion.

Elizabeth *sighs* Carson *sighs*

Cut to Teyla who wants to talk with Michael, wants him to see that is current situation ain't that bad. Become his friend.

But he doesn't want to listen.

Short meeting between Kate and Michael. Talking about betrayal and that starnge feeling he had the whole time: It was the hunger to feed *flails*

Cut to foursome in the observation room. John in the middle *whee* They talk about their next steps.

John wants to up his dose.

Elizabeth's agrees! YAY!!!

Carson: "He's due for his next injection."

Elizabeth and John bodysex.

Little more bla bla bla and helpless faces. No idea what they're going to do...

Cut to Michael's dark side *cough*

He's escorted to the infarmery but on his way he confronts Ronon who follows him.

Michael escapes the big Ronon who is furious and starts to hunt him down.

He finds him after Michael killed on of his hunters *heavy sigh* Damn!

But before he can shoot him, John stuns him.

Ronon forget to set his gun on stun *coughs* Ui, evil looking Ronon...

John thinks this whole thing sucks. Me too.

Michael gets locked up.

In the meantime:

John wants to bring him to the Alphaside.

Elizabeth wants to continue with the drug treament.

Ronon wants to kill him.

Kate says, they can't kill him cause they made him what he is now.

Teyla agrees and adds that they are now responsible for him.

Ronon: "He is NOT human." Gah, he really hates Michael...

Elizabeth asks Carson if it's worth continuing and he says yes.

A short meeting between Michael and Teyla. He tells he just wanted to be free and she tells him that they will continue the treatment.

Short meeting between Elizabeth and Carson. He blames himself for the death of the man but Elizabeth tells him that she was the one who approved of all this. She takes all the blame.

Michael gets gated off to the Alphaside.

Where he wakes up and find himself in chains.

Teyla is the one who is with him.

In the meantime Carson prepares the next doses. Teyla gives Michael something to eat but suddenly she seems to be in trance and starts to unchain him. The result is not... very... good. DAMN!

Carson tells Ronon and John in which direction Michael took off with Teyla as hostage.

John and Ronon find his track but it's not easy.

At the gate, Michael dials an address and Teyla leaves some marks on a stone.

John and Ronon find two dead men who guarded the gate. They run to the gate, Ronon shoots at Michael but they are too late. John's 'Damn it' is so fitting.

Michael and Teyla are on a foreign planet.

John has no idea how to find the address *sigh*

But Ronon does *grins* His love is a genius ^-^ Teyla's marks are the address!

On the other planet Michael is slowly becoming wraith!Michael. He was drawn to this planet. Why we do not know yet... Poor Teyla *hides*

Cut to Teyla waking up, without handcuffs and free to move.

She walks to the edge of the cliff and sees a Hiveship. Ooops... that's why Michael had to come to this planet.

Doesn't look good...

Suddenly the really-now-looking-wraithy wraith!Michael pops up. Ewwwwwwwwwww...

He slowly moves in for the kill...

...but gets shoot.

Teyla's rescue team are here. Ronon is absolutely not amused that wraith!Michael wanted to eat his woman.

He, John and Teyla can barely escape as the other Wraith start to attack and wraith!Michael is found by his kind.

Cut to 'Lantis...

Teyla explains that Michael is now wraith!Michael.

Ronon: "Should have killed him."

Rodney: "He's right." Anymore enthusiasm and he would burst.

He bla bla bla's how screwed they are and so on.

Teyla: "They will send another wave of Hiveships." Great.

Ronon: "Probably they are already on their way." Greater.

And Rodney is sure that this time the invisibility trick won't work. Carson neither --> The greatest.

Elizabeth: "We need to come up with a new defense plan." Eyesexes John.

John: "We gonna need more fire power." Uber-great! Sexes right back at Lizzie.

Fad to black with dramatic music...

Like I said this ep ain't that bad. But somehow it just won't fit in with the others *shrugs* But methinks it's worth to watch ^-^

tv show: stargate atlantis, tv misc: recap

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