Mar 14, 2006 02:05

I am now typing on my livehournal, but i cant see the screen, so i probably havve a lot of typos. HAHAHAH. Ruth is watching my screen as i type. that is an interferon gamma. tap brings the peptides into the the RER. LA LA LA. Ruth is reading immunology. its kind o funny. hahahha. i think i have a lot of typos. but that's okay. I am a. I are a P. you are a P-A. iyou are a P-A-N-D-A-R-J-N-G. and you have _______________________ but you l-o-v-e-m-e-f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

this is the song of ruth.

I think ruth is sleepy]
heheheheehehe. it is 2 am and we're going cfrazy. ruth is crying. she's really crying. ruth is still crying. she needs a napkin. she has a road block. i have a brain block. and a lot of typos. go giiiirl. increases stability. la la la. EDORI. eeddooririe i will now fight for the keyboardla la la i yotuype whtn ruth typwsith. i wwritothe that wrothngat. what is ruthom gtypingon.g omgi wonder. you don' t khanhoawh ahahiahahha. it right npow abumat zingri. gh t iS ATMAYERPZING ERING. TY_PI?NG_./- / -/-/-/-// ginseng. Laugh Out Loud. clap hands la la la. i am amazering. but I am not ruhe awesome kieu. ENERGY.adenosine monophosphate.triphosphate. diphosphate.

The end.

//edit: I am dying. it is 3 am and I am dying. No more immunology. no more MHC molecules. no more Tapasin no more IL-2,4,5,6,10 whatever. no more IFN this and that. no more type 1,2,3,4 hypersensitivity. no more cytosolic or endocytic pathways.

I haven't even double checked my lab reports. or studied for the lab midterm. s.c.r.e.w.e.d.
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