Summer in a small town

Jun 27, 2005 12:29

Well after my almost month long hibernation in June, which strangely enough happens every year...I guess I'm back. I don't know how it happens every year, but a month (usually June) goes by without me even realizing it. Its like how I always zone out just before my exit home. I never mean to, but it happens. So here's my updates summer goal list as well as the regular list.

Regular list:
#1. My independant study paper (emailed dr. roy, now I just need to do research on my own.)

#2. Less drama in my life (well i have quite a bit of drama, but since it is all at a distance, its not so bad).

#3. I would like to get down to a size 6 or so(on the summer list)

#4. I would like to finish my thesis (i'm having problems getting into the mnsu research data base...stupid comupter techies who can't clearly explain what to do.)

#5. Get an internship (again strangely enough, i have one now, but its not what i expected)

#6. Work on my Faith (I need to do some soul searching)

#7. Along like that, I don't want to forget to live out my life.(I'm poor, poor, poor, so there's not too much excitement, but who knows, there's july...and I did mangage to afford one wedding)

#8. I think I should drink more milk. (doing pretty decent)

#9. Have better control over my money (I'm not spending any money as of now, but i need a job)

#10. Everything else i should be doing (ok...onto the summer list....)


1. Summer job ( still need...damm places that won't hire just for the summer)
2. Finish thesis proposal (see #4 on first list)
3. Be active 1 hr every day (yep :))
4. Become physically fit/healthy (working on it)
5. Go to Kansas (need $$ first)
6. Email Aune (yeah, need to do that)
7. Finish research on self-marginalization (need to do that too)
8. Contact Iowa City (eh)
9. Edit forensics paper (trying to accomplish that before the end of the week)
10. Send Resume to to Tuttle (...another goal that could be done by the end of the week)
11. Be willing to start again (working on it...lots of soul searching)
12. Find forensics topics (alright, so I've ignored this except for random bits of inspirtation, but i needed a'll be done by the end of July).
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