May 15, 2005 21:37
Well, quite near the end of the semester, all my papers are done...yay! and all i have left is I will be creating a things to do this summer list along with this one...heee
#1. My independant study paper (alright, i now have time for my precious is paper, i'm definately excited will work on it in between researching for my thesis)
#2. Less drama in my life (well, i suppose here there are two different things. #1. as far as dating goes, there are people yes, but who i'm interested in i see less than who I am not interested in, all that says to me, that maybe the timing isn't right. #2. Have you ever had a friendship that you feel like you give and give and give, but don't get back anything in return so much so that you wonder if its time to make your exit, and you are sure they wouldn't notice if you did? I love my friends, i'm loyal to my friends, and I'd literally go though a burning building to save them if i had to, but what if a friendship you thought was a friendship, really wasn't? Look I know I've been a pain in the ass as a friend sometimes, but I'm pretty sure if they've come second in my life for any reason I admit it and I make it up. Its not so much drama as it is bowing out before I start feeling worse about this particular friendship...maybe its time.).
#3. I would like to get down to a size 6 or so(on the summer list)
#4. I would like to finish my thesis (I have a plan of action and working on it is on the summer list)
#5. Get an internship (working on getting a job tomm)
#6. Work on my Faith (pray and pray)
#7. Along like that, I don't want to forget to live out my life.(summer is coming)
#8. I think I should drink more milk. (I'm trying to cut way back on the caffiene, ie one cup/can a day, as a result i'm drinking a lot more milk)
#9. Have better control over my money (looking for job tomm)
#10. Everything else i should be doing ( grade papers, find job)