Random entry

Sep 27, 2005 22:53

Well I am won

Well I am once again not making in progress until 11pm. I am happy though. I had a very good conversation with my brother that never really happens as often as I want to. So since I haven't updated this as often as I should...I give to any loyal readers I might perchance of gained the link to my xanga at the bottem of the post.. I'm still writing differnet stuff in both journals...but I still like having accountablity for my actions in this post...so those who are interested enough in my life to read two of my blogs can check out the other...in all actuality, its not that thrilling...

Regular list
#1. My independant study paper (I feel so much guilt for not working on this...it is on the back burner in the very worst way. I want so desprately to work on it, but by the time i finish everything a week has passed and things start over again)

#2. Less drama in my life (Doesn't drama highten any experiance...I witnessed a bit of drama since I last updated this.. i will spare the awful ridiciolus description of the drama, but I will add on a side note, there isn't anything major, but it is strange trying to get into a routine while dating someone who has very little of one.)

#3. I would like to get down to a size 6 or so(my pants are fitting looser. I have no doubt that it is from the change in eating habits since I've gotten back here from the summer and not any particular adaptation of an exercise routine to my day)

#4. I would like to finish my thesis (my artifact is on the friendship treaty being dicussed between france and algeria, and i'm working on my proposal this week, though i have not yet been able to find time to work on it, and yes I agree that is slighty hypocritical i am post that in my blog)

#6. Work on my Faith (this is something that is weird in my life now...I feel that I am bound for hell due to my jaded perspective on life...though because of my jaded perspective I really don't believe hell comes from any religous constriction...but more of a human awareness, so that leaves me not going to hell, just not making any great effort on my spirituality...aside from random prayers said during the day...its like i'm texting God, but never calling...I do want improve this, but yoga, meditation, reading religous doctrine, and going to Presbyterian events don't exactly rank high on the list...but these days neither does sleeping or eating..i know that spirituality is a state of mind, but I acknowedge I really need jump-start....

#7. Along like that, I don't want to forget to live out my life.(man was this weekend fun....to the point I'm obmitting any details, except for those who already know.)

#8. I think I should drink more milk. (This is not really happening...i'm actually hold back a little to save $$ which is dumb).
#9. Have better control over my money (i have so many freakin expenses...and I owe so many people $$...but I am doing better. Today I bought bread, lunch meat and cheese instead of a subway sandwich....thus meaning I will get more sandwiches out of my purchase than the 1 that I could have had....I am proud

#10. Everything else i should be doing (i need to grade, and move some of my stuff into my new apt.)

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