[The feed starts out wobbly; Gracia's hands are blocking whatever the communicator is supposed to be recording. After a while, it shows an empty space in the apartment, with only an open window to gaze at. You can hear Gracia's mumbling in the background, however, and soon, the communicator is broadcasting Gracia herself. She is wearing an old-looking, yet still appeasing
yukata with her hair tied up in a bun. Her usual feather headdress is also gone.]
It took me all day to avoid all the monsters roaming around the market district, but I finally found a yukata for the Tanabata! A stroke of luck at just the right time. But if it's alright, may I ask for some help with it? There's a gash at the back, and I can't seem to tie the obi properly.
[To that, Gracia turns around and reveals a tear near her thigh area. The obi is being held with both her hands, half-done.]
Please, everyone! It will be lots of fun to celebrate the Festival! Come if you can! And I know what to wish for too.
[She turns around with a smile, bows her head, and walks over to shut the feed off.]