I request a conversation with a member of the Police Force.
I have...information...that is important to you.
[ooc: Scared of
possible retribution from those that aren't in the force, Blitza thinks his best best at this point is to turn himself in. At least the Police probably won't kill him. DX.]
Well...as I have said above, I need protection before I can offer my information. It would not due for me to be harmed immediately after offering up my information.
I understand that. As of right now, you're looking to be quite a suspect in these recent incidents.
For now, however, if you would be so kind to answer this for me...You run a certain business within the City, am I correct? Where exactly is it located?
However I am currently residing at the police station.
No more questions need to be asked at this time. I've already got what information I needed from that alone. I'll be sure to make a trip down to the police station later in order to talk with the police, and perhaps you, as well.
Don't worry, I'm sure the police will appreciate any and all information you decide to give. However, I would tell the truth if I were you.
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