(no subject)

Nov 15, 2011 10:22

Wow, it has been a while. Let's see.

Three weeks of school, grant proposals, getting really sick all over again because of the useless infected lumps of tissue in my throat that decide to flare up randomly and then pulling some muscles in my ribcage because of a violent cough. Quite a fun ride.

I am actually really proud of myself, actually. I applied for two grants, and did rather well for myself, I must say. These will help pay for my projects for my thesis and for research in Puget Sound next summer. I took three exams and turned in several papers.

I am plugging away at my papers and presentations, working hard on developing primers for my PCR projects, writing a draft for my Animal Senses paper, developing a cogent presentation for both, and studying hard so I have lots of background for my Cell and Molecular take home exam. Actually, that isn't that much. After that I have a final and I'm done. After how difficult the rest of the quarter has been, this is a cakewalk.

I just need to get healthy enough to keep going. The last week has been miserable. I have been dreadfully sick, and have not been able to sleep because of this painful wracking gagging cough. It was so bad that I pulled some muscles in my ribcage, making breathing a difficult proposition. I have new antibiotics, new cough meds and new pain meds. I hope I can pull it together enough to be able to make it through this last two and a half weeks.

I have a surgery date on the 15th of December. I just have to hold on until then.

Next quarter will be better. Fewer units, a better understanding of the quarter system, no stupid lymph nodes in my throat constantly making me sick, and hopefully a vehicle to help cut my commute time in half. I am also teaching next quarter, and I am really excited about that. The money is quite decent, but honestly I am curious to see if I will be a good teacher.

Once I get my PhD in neurophysiology, I can see myself at a teaching hospital splitting my time between teaching med students and doing research, either clinical or at a bench.

I just hope I can get through this quarter and get some decent grades out of it.

Hubby is doing well. He has his own school stuff to deal with, and he's been sick for a few weeks himself. However, he is better and able to take care of me a bit.

We are looking forward to going to Lincoln for Thanksgiving next week and spending time with his dad. A respite, no matter how brief, will be most welcome.

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