This was posted by my sister. Please help her out by donating or pasting this into your journal.
"I am creating a game. I am raising the funds for it on Kickstarter, which uses a "crowdfunding" model to help people raise funds for creative projects. You can see it here: This game is something I think most of my friends will really like, even love. It is a Choose Your Own Adventure style game with a strong role-playing bent (you do actually play a role -- that is, the personality you choose -- in the game). The story is inspired by all our favorite things -- HP Lovecraft, fairy tales, epic quests and the like.
The game is 70% funded, which means I only have to raise another $2500. The hitch is that I only have until 9pm tomorrow PST to raise the money. If I don't, I don't get to keep ANY of the money I've raised so far. Now the cool thing is that there are many pledge levels with awesome thank you gifts to choose from, and you can "preorder" the game for just $7. (I only need 365 preorders to make it!)
SO here's what I'm asking:
1) If you can spare even $7, please go to the project site and make a pledge
2) Please let other people you know who might want to play this game that they should do the same -- in whatever manner is available to you
You can reach the site at:"
Go to her website and watch her video pitch. I have to say, I REALLY wanted that design journal.