Well, i don't usually do this but... what the hell, it's funny!! XDD This post is about... ME!! Yes!! Only me and me!! XDDDD But don't worry... you'll still have a loooot of fun with this... trust me!! =___=" XDDD Ok then, here we go!!
I took these from
sayora347Interview Time
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lol! I LOVE to recieve plushies! They are so cute and adorables!! Most of mine are stuf animals, though i have some famous characters as Alf, Chip (from chip and Dael from disney), Venom and other characters from spiderman, a cowboy Goofy, a gigantic gardfield and two littles ones... well, those are the ones i remember now... ^^' And i almost have every animal specie but i'm missing some... lol! it's like a stuffed zoo!! XDD
YAY!! I would love to get to know you more! So here are my questions!
1- If you could be an animal, which would it be and why?
2- Between being able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish (being able to breath under water and all that... ^^) which would you choose?
3- In your entire life, which is your favorite photo that you took and why?
4- Did you have an imaginary friend som time in your life? In case you did how was he/she/it?
5- If you could be a manga/anime character, which would it be and why?
That's all! And answer them whenever you have thet time sweetie!! No nedd to rush! *huuuugs*
We get lots of bugs, especially when it gets closer to summer.
Is it winter now, down where you are?
Wow you have an Alf?...I can't remeber the last time I saw one of those XD Did/do you watch that show?
Chip of Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers(Disney)? I liked that cartoon, I wish they showed it on TV still, but I can see it on the internet still..I think. Cute that you have a toy of him..he was a serious little chipmunk..and Dale was such a goofy little critter.
You have Spiderman characters XD Which is your favorite? I like Batman a bit more then Spiderman. Is any of the Spiderman movies playing down where you live? Especially Spiderman 3 since it has Venom in it.
Three Garfields huh. I did like that cartoon though I was more of an Odie fan myself. Nermel was an interesting cat though...soo pretty and such a girly voice..yet he was a male cat o.0.
I am going to answer the interview questions in a separate post from this one.
Hope you find them not to weird XD
BTW Mar, whats the best way to talk to you? Chat/email/LJ/two tin cups connected by a string? XD
*hugs and Runs*
heehee! Well, i really don't hang much arround internet lately but when i do you can find me at AIM, or hotmail messenger, and if you leave me a message on lj i'll be replying for sure! :D
*hugs back*
Now i'll go to read your answers! YAY!! XD
Faithhalfelf is my AIM
Faithhalfelven is MSN
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