Well, i don't usually do this but... what the hell, it's funny!! XDD This post is about... ME!! Yes!! Only me and me!! XDDDD But don't worry... you'll still have a loooot of fun with this... trust me!! =___=" XDDD Ok then, here we go!!
I took these from
sayora347Interview Time
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When i was little i used to go every weekend to the see... but now i live surrounded by mountains and even though i love them too i still prefeer the sea... ^___^
Sean Bean is soooooo HOT!! >____< (that's all i can think when it's about him... ^^')
I can't complaing about my life... even though i don't have the money that i would like to (XD) i do have health and a lot of love!! And of course a lot of fun too!! XDDD And YAY!! Another animal lover!! Animal are usually forget and that's wrong!! >__< So is good to know that at least a few people keep thinking of them!! *huuugs you*
Plushies ar pure LOVE!! >___< A lot of the ones i have are from when i was little!! But i can let them go!! >___<
Aha!! Almost being arrested?! Now i know what to ask you in the interview!! XDDD *chu* Thanks to you for passing by and for not runing away after reading this!! XDDDD Now the intervew!!
1-Which is the story behind the "almost arrested"? (XD)
2-Which was your favorite birthday and why?
3-If you could have a super power, which would it be and why?
4-Which is your favorite movie and why?
5-If you could be a anime or manga character, which would it be and why?
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