Sep 08, 2012 02:03

So I was super excited all morning and then I was so burnt out from two straight work days and a four hour architectural drawing clinic (a ten week class shoved into four hours) and I've kind of lost the ability to formulate effective sentences.

But ONE I realized this is only the second time I've seen Raiders in a widescreen cut, THERE IS SO MUCH THAT GETS CUT OUT IN FULL SCREEN

Two oh my god I felt like I could have been right there on set fucking yes I love IMAX everything is beautiful


a) they cleaned up the cobra reflection for Indy but not for Marion
2) I never noticed that Toht had a Magic Murder Bag, check my twitter for a hilarious joke regarding that
#) aahahaha so he drinks whiskey the whole time right? WONRG never noticed on the Bantu Wind before they have a bottle of MEYER'S DARK RUM fuck yes all the justification I need t become an alcoholic

Jesus christ lets' just appreciate m fucking lack of ability to type right now

that's how tired I am

righ t so speaing of alcoholics

I had a bit of a "gained perspective" watching this, and I want to call it peculiar, but I don't want to mean that it's negative. In any way.

It's a little odd watching a movie that you know SO WELL that you know the rhythm of the entire thing, every line of dialogue, every musical cue, every behind the scenes moment, almost literally everything. Because even when I don't watch it for over a year, don't go re-reading all the trivia and everything, it's basically a part of me. I can't "forget" it and go back to a time when it was new to me. Not complaining, just saying that I consciously had to sit back and just enjoy the ride without... expectations?! (I CANNOT ARTICULATE THIS I HAVE LOST THE ABILITY TO THINK.)


What I realized, in years of idolizing and living and breathing and everythinging Indiana Jones, I somehow accidentally turned myself into Marion (minus a death from liver failure, probably). I DON'T KNOW, IT'S SO POETIC SOMEHOW, BECAUSE SHE IS TOTALLY BOSS AND HILARIOUS AND TAKING-NONE'YA-SHIT AND IT JUST MADE ME REALLY HAPPY TO KNOW THAT I HAVE, ON SOME LEVEL, ACHIEVED BEING A BELLIGERENT FOUL-MOUTHED ACTION HEROINE.

After a week of studying Buddhism and their religious design structures and theory it was like a small moment of self-enlightenment and SHUT UP. I AM AWESOME AND I AM SO BRAIN DEAD THAT I GIVE ZERO FUCKS RIGHT NOW, I JUST SAW MY FAVORITE MOVIE ON THE BIG SCREEN FOR THE FIRST TIME AND I CAN DIE HAPPY.

askjbflakdfjbalkfdbalkjfblakblakdflks GOOD NIGHT

me, movies, indiana jones, raiders of the lost ark, marion

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