Jan 23, 2012 20:49
I indentified an ancient Egyptian alabaster lotus vase from a fuzzy dvd still from memory, and that is normal for me. Reminding me once again that I have a strange elementary-school background in ancient cultures and not in 90's pop culture. I'll take it
In the continuing roommate saga, no immediate updates. Nothing else has gone missing, so I haven't left any notes. However I'm buying a 24 pack of ice cream bars tomorrow, so we shall have to keep an eye on that. On the other hand, another week's worth of dirty dishes sit in the sink, and yesterday's apparently-weekly have-people-over-and-cause-chaos-in-the-shared-communal-spaces continued. This time a big pot of hamburger helper something or other with cheese sits out (at least with a lid this time), and all the bowls used to cook it and eat it. And then all the bowls and cups and utensils used to make smoothies of some kind, and all of these eating containers are just strewn about the counters, including the bar counter which has a few bowls on it filled with food mess and water. Because the counter where people put their mail and shit is a good place for more dirty dishes. Also-also, no counters wiped down, more food on the floor, I don't go barefoot in this apartment anymore. Depending on how things go with the food missing or not missing, I might leave a note out about fucking cleaning up after yourself.
On the other hand, girl-roommate had a birthday party for her mom and knocked on my door to offer me cake, so at least we seem to be getting along. :D
Grad school, otherwise! Going well. Architecture is seeming to be a lot more work than engineering, but I can also pay attention in class more. Don't ever replicate floor plans if you can help it, and if you can't, get somebody minimalist. I had to do Wright, whose work I love, but jesuslordhell I spent five hours on one damn floor plan. It looks beautiful as all getout, though, that shit's going on my walls.
Speaking of walls, I need to decorate my room. Right now it's kind of... stuff strewn everywhere... to give my brain a sense of filled space. I, apparently, detest empty space. (So minimalism = not my thing. Not livable and it explains my compulsion for detailing.) I wish I could paint the walls a dark color, the Generic Dorm Color OffWhite No. 78 is really getting to me. I just watched all of Firefly and I have this urge to decorate my whole room like a space ship lodging, but that's just not really feasible. (On the other hand, I noticed a lot of architecture students seem to waste a lot of thin MDF after they use the laser-cutter on it... I may be able to salvage those scraps into something, but then what am I going to do with it when I have to move?)
art history,
interior design,
grad school,
i am strange