It could thusly be argued that Indiana Jones fought "aliens" in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is also a sad thing that the freaking Lego Flying Wing costs like $70. I think I have the Micro Machine version, though, SWEET ACTION.
New favorite slang:
qu'est-ce que fuck? Inherited from my dad, I am sure, I will take any opportunity to butcher French for the greater humorous good.
GOOD FUCK THIS IS HORRIFYING. It reminds me of the Splicer episode from Batman Beyond. Fffffuuuuuccccckkkkkkkk~
Hahaha "Mathsputin". Looooove iiiiit.
You know, while I appreciate
the characterizations, that logo is just... incredibly detestable. I am so sick of steampunk being OMFGGEARS! (heh heh heh, I would go for a good Disney "g-ears" pun, though.) Seriously, yo, technology, in general, has to do something. And this is more the aestheticist than the engineer in me saying this. Just... bleh. Anyway, I think this means it's Old Hat if Disney did it and is no longer Scene and maybe it will lose some of its steam no pun intended. (Okay, totally intended afterthefact.) The sooner you can boot scenesters from any scene, the better. Please move to the Next Big Thing and mind the gap as you disembark, I'd like my functioning technology in relative peace, please and thankyou.
Also, Daisy is a fucking badass, check that shit out yo, she is AMELIA FUCKING EARHART-ing it up in that shit!
So I found out that Crystal Skull has a Star Trek tribute, of all things. During the rocket-sled fight scene there is a wall dubbed "numbersnumbers-GNDNnumbers" which apparently is reference to
Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing. I also started reading the imdb trivia page for the movie and discovered this gem:
Harrison Ford was adamant that he got to wield Indiana's famous whip. Paramount executives wanted the weapon to be computer generated because of new film safety rules, but the actor branded the rule "ridiculous".
Dear Harrison Ford, you are my hero, thank you for being awesome. Dear George Lucas, you're still crazy as fuck, but at least this time you had Spielberg and Ford willing to tell you sometimes that you're a little bit off your rocker.
Also, this has always goddamn bothered me:
The Akator throne room designed by Guy Dyas keeps up an Indiana Jones tradition by having C-3PO and R2-D2 etched into one of the yellow titles, and E.T. into another. According to the book "The Complete Making of Indiana Jones", the characters can be found somewhere in all four Indiana Jones pictures.
They're easy to find in Raiders but WHERE THE DAMN HELL ARE THEY IN ToD and LC?
Also, I just ~can't wait~ until the original Star Wars trilogy gets re-released and re-remastered on BluRay and George Lucas decides to digitally add these Other Dimensioners to the celebration scene at the end. I mean, ET's already there, it's bound to happen at some point.
Originally Henry Jones, Sr., Short Round, Sallah and Willie Scott were to make an appearance at Indiana's wedding.
In the "making of" on the Back to the Future (1985) DVD, one of the original ideas of the time machine was as a refrigerator that Marty would climb into. Furthermore, the way Marty was to come back from 1955 was via the power of a nuclear bomb at a test site in the desert. Back to the Future was produced by Steven Spielberg. The idea was scrapped because filmmakers were afraid children would shut themselves inside of their home refrigerators to imitate the movie.
...Anyway. Speaking of GNDN, I
kind of need these in my future house, somewhere. In my super-futuristic Tony-Starkish tech lab.
(Seriously though I still want his drafting table. Rich motherfucker.)
Heh heh heh, stormtroopers.
And now for the old stuff I have to catch up on:
(Ohoho, I had a whole lovely post about Youknowwho and Youknowwho breaking up IN OCTOBER and nobody told me and I'M STILL GOING TO BE SMARMY ABOUT IT because they are both children. One more than the other, but still. They are not children in the good sense, either, they are children in the I-am-always-right-and-refuse-to-be-proven-wrong sense. Oh and I forgot all the lying. Anyway, the whole situation will NEVER not be entertaining in a "we TOLD you so" way. FOR. EV. ER. And fuck no I will not let it go because I am the Queen of Grudges and Factual Knowledge and fucking over someone with cancer puts you officially in Douchelandia. FOR LIFE.)
Pure excellence.
Click to view
Gaga's latest nerd moment.
A study shows that blocking minute changes in emotion prevents us from feeling them as strongly, such as those who use Botox. This feels almost science fictional to me. The fact that we use minute facial expressions to experience empathy and that stopping those motions stops the feeling... that's crazy. One, well, it backs up that whole "fake it 'til you make it", you know, put on a smile until you really do feel more positive. Which, you know, the placebo affect is incredibly strong, and that's amazing. The human body is CRAZY. It can do some amazing stuff, and it can do some pretty fucked up stuff, too. But it's quite a collection of cells, really.
Click to view
POOR BEAKER. He gets so gypped. :C
Speaking of science fiction,
singing "My Way" in the Philippines is believed to be cursed. Guys, that is a crazy-ass plot point if I ever saw one. Fuck, the world is a crazy-ass place sometimes. In a good way. (And in a bad way all too often...)
Belarus(...ian?) Big Bang Theory ripoff. Simply stunning in the sheer amount of lulz. For srs.
Ah, history, you never cease to show us astonishingly entertaining things.
I am way late to this party but
February fifteenth is International Grover Appreciation Day. Putting this on my Google Calendar... now.
Buy me these cakes. AREN'T THEY FREAKING AWESOME? From this article I learned that 1) people make bug-shaped candy and that is FUCKING RAD and 2) Kabuto and Kabutops were named after the Japanese name for rhinoceros beetles. And yes, I do find it slightly crazy that this many years later I can still name a significant number of the original 150/151/152/(or so) Pokemon with less trouble than I have talking about someone I talked to recently. IIIII DOOON'T KNOOOOOOOOOOW
Anyway that would be very Temple-of-Doom, yes? Also, they look ~awesome~
...and delicious. Veeeeery delicious.
At any rate, insects need to become a Valentine's Day "thing" in the U.S. We need some more variety. Not that I'm a big fan of insects or anything, but they sure as hell are interesting, to say the least.
King Tut was weaksauce. My guess is, everybody just liked him because he was too young to know what was going on and his dad was a huge douchebag. Just sayin'. NOBODY LIKES AKHENATEN.
3D printed ceramics! How sick is that. I love technology.
Lack of morning light is harmful to sleep patterns. After that study and the one I've seen around all day discussing how sitting down is just plain bad for you in long periods, well, there are two things I need to invest in: a spectrum lamp, and a treadmill desk. I set up that stationary bike desk but... too wobbly. And it doesn't really force you to keep active, and, really, you're not standing up. So... gotta get my hands on a treadmill, yes.
I should really stay out of Star Wars threads. In anything. I learn things I never needed to know, like George Lucas has a cameo in the prequels (as a blue dude from Pantora, which I find incredibly entertaining) as a dude called Papanoida.
Not to mention there is an entire line--well, series--of action figures dedicated to his family's cameos (oh god there are four or five) and the fake cameo of him as a fighter pilot in the comics? Or something. (I even know that guy's name, Jorg Sacul. What has become of me.)
Oh hey! But
check out these muppet aliens, they're pretty cool. Like... some odd Wookiee relational? Eh. Adorbs.
...And then you get
shit like this. Looks inocuous enough? Check that url again. Yeah. That's his name.
George R. Binks. Fucking lol.
The sheer size of the Star Wars EU scares me.
A lot.
A lot.
On pretty much the other side of the spectrum,
they declared a new Shakespeare play!
Fuck, I would totally pay to see a Star Wars Shakespeare play. I so would
It really, really bothers me when people abuse ethics to make more money, but PARTICULARLY when they are taking advantage of independent (AND, in this case, relatively unestablished) artists.
This... pretty much.
That being said, I'm completely fucking obsessed with The Princess and the Frog and every single character in that film is awesome in some manner.
So that's what I've been up to for the past MONTH or so. Also did I mention I downloaded the Force Unleashed Lightsaber App for my iPod touch? I totally did and it's PURPLE ALL THE WAY, baby. Now I need someone to duke it out with.
...You know, the sooner Nerf makes Nerf Lightsabers, THE BETTER.
[EDIT] ALSO-ALSO, anyone play Spore or Sims 3 online? I got a code from Taco Bell and I play neither.