Jun 03, 2008 16:24
Lately I've been seriously considering finally getting a webpage put up. A few reasons; it'd be nice to have one place to host all my photos, finally get that webcomic up and going, also a page dedicated to Adventure (COSI) because I seem to be the only fan of it on the planet. (At least I'm sure some Indy geeks would give it some attention.) I dunno, maybe post my art, too? Not that there's much of it. OH, and finally get the Steampunk Collective/Cooperative (needs a better name though) up and running.
I just keep coming back to a few things.
1) I plan to be completely out of contact the next two summers with drum corps, which would potentially be a problem for both a comic and the steampunk site.
2) I would pretty much have to make the webpage dirtybuchwalder, but then that's giving out my real name. I don't mind giving out my real name in the capacity I do now, because I slowly stumble on people and it's more like building friendships than buying a huge billboard. Maybe I could just buy the domain and redirect? But that's money I don't know if I want to spend (yeah, I'm cheap) AND I have to come up with another site name.
Decisions, decisions. =/ Suggestions/discussion is welcome...