I am just fucking full of skill today

Mar 13, 2008 12:41

Right, here is yet another reason I hate flipflops. So, I've been trying to get rid of my kind-of-obvious tan lines from last summer by wearing flipflops this week. Well, I am inept. I walk too fast to wear flipflops, I think. The yellow Nike ones I had were too big and I remember taking at least one good spill in them at Target because I tripped over the toe. And that's just what I did coming up the stairs here, too, today. Ripped up my knee really nicely, it was even swollen pretty noticeably about an hour ago, too. Remember when Suzie got hit with the flag and had that HUGE bump on her head that looked like an egg? Mine wasn't quite that big, but it was swollen just about as badly. I don't ever remember that happening when I was little (but it did remind me of the time I scraped my knee [falling up the stairs, again] when I was younger and was determined I wouldn't cry... it doesn't even seem like it would be something painful enough to make you cry, now, but it's always embarassing). It seems like every time I start to think "dang, I haven't had a scab in a very long time, I can't remember what that last one was from" I get to have a new one. I honestly can't remember where my last one was from--it was on my left elbow and my knee, and I remember picking at my elbow... in some class... but I can't remember which class (which I usually can, as a hint for myself) or where I did it. But I remember before that I had this scratch from Tippy on my left forearm which I picked at in Miss Downie's class, and before that my biggest scratch was probably on my left knee from hitting dad's bike going down to North Carolina and really gnashing it up good (just outside Lake White).

Hm, I seem to get a majority of my knee scars on my left knee. I wonder why that is? I remember being about six and falling off the back of the tandem right as we were about to pull into the driveway, and really having scratched up my knee and elbow. (Mom was so freaked out, but I don't remember anything, I guess because I had fallen asleep and just fell off?) But I do remember getting a dark green towel and sitting in back (when we still had the brown couch and the TV and everything in back... what did we have up front? the organ?) wrapped up in the towel drinking hot chocolate (even though it wasn't cold...?) and we ordered pizza. And I think we watched the Little Mermaid, but I could just be remembering that because when I was little I used to watch the Little Mermaid back there aaaaaall the time. Damn, I forgot how much I loved that little room before we redid it all. =/

Also, either everything smells terrible today or my nose decided I could breathe today. The path I take to classes smells like something too oniony (chips of some kind?) and my uke teacher's office smelled like gross old people potatoes. (What, you are asking, does that smell like? Like old people, but when they smell like rotten potatoes. Not the regular "old people" smell, I don't mind that at all.) YEUCH.

The last two nights I've slept on the couch so my roommate can study, and oddly enough I'm getting better, more solid sleep on the couch (meaning I'm not waking up every hour or so to turn over) than I do in my bed. I think it's the cushions and the slight angle they're at, plus having a smaller space with three walls (backboard, both armrests) to push against. I dunno, I like to have something to push up against at night because otherwise my muscles feel like they're stretching to be loose or something, so I get this "growing pain" ahce. (ACK, EVERYTHING SMELLS LIKE SMOKE ALL OF A SUDDEN GROSS GROSS) Plus, since I raised myself paranoically, I am one of those people who always prefers to be in a corner (or, if that's impossible, against a wall) so no one sneaks up on me or anything. Which, with sleeping on the couch, is actually very nice. The best part of it is is that this is the shittiest couch I've seen (looks like something they made in woodshop and added the cushions to), so if I want to I can replicate it very easily. Yaaaaay.

Hm, now... to nap, or to sit around and do nothing? Decisions, decisions.

me, biking, family, home, life, sleep, injuries

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