Dec 16, 2006 22:37

Hey all, there are some things I would like to get off my chest.

First off, Ulquiorra, I somehow doubt there is a damn thing you could do about that prank I pulled on Orihime, and so far, all you have done is posture and threaten.

Next, Chizuru, I can understand you might be mad becasue I didn't give the bra to you, but can you really be mad at me ( Read more... )

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tanabata_girl December 17 2006, 10:49:35 UTC

Don't think for a moment that I'm one of those adorable little girls who will always look for the good in people, and want to make friends with everyone, and not hurt a fly. I've looked for good in you, THERE IS NONE. And now the Great Hall...and it's new chandellier?

When I get it down, I am going to STRANGLE YOU TO DEATH WITH IT. That'd be a pleasant death, at least.

This is not over. Watch your back.

[[You love torturing him, huh? XDD Orihime's just allowed her violent personality to take over (Tsubaki). You know, at the beginning, when I said she was subdued due to pills and meds and therapy, and then they took her off of pills? I said someone was probably gonna get their lights punched out, one day. Never thought it would be youuuuu~♥]]


merc_w_a_mouth December 17 2006, 11:28:14 UTC

Man, i'll have to try and get more of those... hang em' all over the place...

[[I'm setting up an open log, so you may be able to take out your agressions on DeadPool soon X3]]


tanabata_girl December 17 2006, 11:30:39 UTC

[[Yaaaaaay! Let's all maim!]]


merc_w_a_mouth December 17 2006, 11:32:28 UTC
now lets see... shouldn't be too hard to get more of those... perhaps some... other clothes as well...


tanabata_girl December 17 2006, 11:40:49 UTC

[[Orihime will start the lovely meal of revenge with sending her faeries in incognito to put replace Wade's shower get (if he showers) with wasabi.]]


merc_w_a_mouth December 17 2006, 11:43:47 UTC
oh ho ho... you wouldn't be the first one to do that.

[[the scary thing is... he might LIKE that]]


tanabata_girl December 17 2006, 11:44:49 UTC
........You're a sad, sad person, you know that?

[[IT's so HARD to torture this guy. WHYYYY...?]]


merc_w_a_mouth December 17 2006, 11:48:38 UTC
Why would you say that about me? I'm always so upbeat about the hell that is my very cursed existance!

[[because he is a hairsbreath away from complete insanity, and thats how he likes it XD]]


tanabata_girl December 17 2006, 11:50:17 UTC
If I weren't so angry at you, I'd laugh...no, actually, I'll laugh anyway.

[[...fun sucker!DX]]


merc_w_a_mouth December 17 2006, 11:52:00 UTC
well, I have some plotting packing to do.

I'll see ya later chesty.


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