May 10, 2008 11:22
Ok, so last weekend was crazy busy! We drove to DC on Thursday to see Eddie Izzard. I'd gotten the closest seats I could that would take a wheelchair. We were 10 rows back and just a little to stage right. I could have run up and touched his boots.
He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, and a long coat with tails it had a bright red satin-y lining and really the lining was the only part of him that was bright (well, color wise) oh and the buttons were big and gold like you'd see on an old fashioned sea captain. He looked much more mainstream than I'd expected and I was just a little disappointed in that.
But my GOD he was hilarious. He talked about dinosaurs and god and religion. He talked about his mac and his iPhone and how he LOVES updates and can't wait for them...then can't tell what they do. He talked about something *I*'ve always said! (Which just makes me love him all the more) He said we sign these Terms of Service agreements without reading them. And how they could say they'll take your first born and you're like yeah yeah...get to the good stuff...boil your mother in oil....ok ok anything, just get me to the program I'm installing!
I really think he'd be someone I'd enjoy sitting down with and having a long conversation. Someone fun to have over to dinner, not just to make you laugh but to talk to and learn more about. He just seems like a really interesting guy, someone I could get to know and be friends with. I just adore him.
So, the next night we go to see Van Halen. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved dancing to Jump in High School with the whole school jumping at the right times. But I'm nowhere NEAR the fan that Shannon is. So, we get there and I go buy t-shirts. I sit back down, put my ear plugs in and listen to the opening act. Ryan Shaun (I think that's how he spells it) He was alright.
So, finally out come all the Van Halen guys. Eddie (he's always been my favorite. I have a thing for nice eyes and great smiles) has his hair cut short and blond. His son, Wolfgang, is playing bass and his hair hangs down over his eyes. David Lee Roth has on a long jacket and a shirt he's got buttoned up and his hair is short and spikey. And then Alex Van Halen has long-ish curly dark hair and a headband, very 80's.
David Lee Roth starts unbuttoning his shirt and I'm just no no...But for a guy in his 50's he's looking a lot like he did in his 30's.
Three songs in I look over at Shannon and he's not singing along, he's not even smiling. And I think, hey! If you aren't liking this we can leave. But being the good girlfriend I am I ask what the matter is. Turns out the distortion was so bad he can't even tell what song it is they're playing. So, I offer him an extra set of ear plugs. And say, "Well, try them, it can't make anything worse!" So he does and he starts smiling...and singing along. And even better, he may still be able to hear in 5 years. :P
I spent most of the time watching Eddie, his smile, his interaction with Wolfgang. They'd walk over to one another and you could see Eddie just beaming. He even laid his chin on the boy's shoulder once, it was just like you could see him thinking, "Look at my kid...I'm so proud and so glad he's here." Ooh and Eddie was wearing a wedding band. What's up with that?!
All in all it was a pretty good show. They played just about all the songs of theirs that I know and most of the songs Shannon wanted to hear.
We heard later that it was the loudest group they've had in that venue so far. Oh and I heard that the reason they'd postponed for so long was that Eddie had tongue cancer. I don't know how true that is but man! We wish him the best with his health!
So, that's the post I promised about my exciting Eddies.
eddie izzard,
van halen