Well, what can I say, I'm so Saiyuki obsessed. ^_^ Just watched episode 17 again with my brother, who for some weird reason hadn't seen it yet. Have now seen it at least four times... and it's not even one of the good episodes, just filler crap. *sighs* Oh well.
This is the doujinshi I'm lusting after right now:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5910720912&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:ITMust have it! Funny thing is, I don't think anyone else but me is going to bid anyways, as the cover is a picture of Sanzo's FOOT only!! XD So unless there's some Saiyuki fan out there with a raving foot fetish, that baby's mine (I'm pathetic, I know). But wait, is that a condom next to Sanzo's foot? ^____^
What I am doing right now: Reading the FAKE manga #6 simultaneously in German and Japanese. Am mighty proud of myself whenever I manage to understand a whole speech or thought bubble in Japanese without having to look at the German translation first.
What I should be doing: putting all my stuff in big boxes so I'll be ready when my family and I move to Aschaffenburg on Wednesday.
Well, at least I won't have to worry about university for a couple of weeks at least because it's natsu yasumi/ summer break. The American History test went well, I think. I just hope the Salem Witchcraft Trials really were in 1692.
As it seems I also passed the Japanese test from hell. Went to Sotomura-sensei a couple of days afterwards and he told me I was a taihen taihen taihen ii gakusei. Yay. Then he tried to convince me to apply for a scholarship in Japan because my grades were good enough. I'm still undecided about that, would really like to go to Japan (and have someone else pay for everything), but for a whole year? Eh, dunno.
Talking to Sotomura-sensei was a very embarrassing thing as always. He's a strange little man. He knows almost no German (though I wouldn't put it past him that he just doesn't want to) and only speaks very broken and hard-to-understand English - it took me half a year just to figure out that when he says beesikiri before a sentence, it means 'basically'.