(no subject)

Sep 23, 2004 18:31

seven things in your room:

1. bed
2. computer
3. sister
4. fone
5. light
6. tv
7. closet

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1. hair
2. personality
3. humor
4. eyes
5. adittude
6. someone thats fun
7. nice

Top seven things you say most (in no particular order):

1. loser
2. man
3. i dont know
4. what
5. weird
6. man whatever
7. (laugh)

Have you/Do you:
Smoke? no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper? no
Pray? talk to God yes but actually pray like prayers we have to memorize no
Been in love?: i am
Gone skinny-dipping? no
Had surgery? no
Swam in the dark: yes
Been to a Bonfire: no
Got Drunk: no
Ran away from home? no
Played strip poker? no...want to though
Gotten beaten up?: no
Beaten someone up?: no
Been on stage?: yes
Slept outdoors? yes
Pulled an all nighter? yes
If yes, what is your record? old friends house for like an hr of sleep
Made out with a stranger? no
Been on radio/TV? no
Been in a mosh-pit? no..dont want to be in one either
Been to a party: yes
Gotten lost in the woods: no
Been in an Undertow: no

About You
Three words that sum you up: claudia...fun...laugh
Wallet: none
Coffee: gross
Shoes: any thing sute
cologne/perfume: nope
Clothing you have on: sweaty, dirty soccer clothes

In the last 24 Hours have you...
Cried: no
Bought something: yes
Gotten sick: no
Sang: yes
Eaten: yes
Been kissed: yes
Felt stupid: yes
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't: no
Talked to an ex: yes
Had a serious talk: yes
Missed someone: yes
Hugged someone: yes
Argued with a parent(s): yes

Social Life:
Boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Car you drive: i dont have one do hot wheels count
Job: i dont have one
Attend church: never

Thing you ate: burger with chips
Thing you drank: water
Place you went: school
Person you kissed: aj
Person you hugged: aj
Person you talked to: mom
Person you IMed: alexis

Current Mood: need a shower
Current Taste: slober
Current Hair: dirty
Current Annoyance: my arm...it hurts
Current DVD In Player: nothing
Current Refreshment: water
Current Worry: y my arm hurts

Are you artistic: i guess
Are you athletic: no
Are you a brat: mayb
Do you like spiders: i like looking at there webs
Can you do anything freakish with your body? haha...i guess so
What are you listening to: Requim for a Dream Sound Track
Makeup or natural look? Im all natural
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