pinging [] with 8 bytes of data

Sep 22, 2002 23:22

Hiya's everyphin and hope your doing great today. Yes it has been a loooooong time since the last update but there are good reasons. Well were do we start :-

Well the most important thing to say is that the main reason I've been away is that I have a mate ;). I met up with Delfi on IOD and we chatted a lil everynow and then but when life dropped on her I was the one she turned to. We got to know each other very well and things flickered into life on their own.

Well in the rest of my life :-

1) You may be wondering about the crazy subject line. Well basically I got my dynamic zone sorted this week, which now means I have a url that will always point to my network when ever it is up and running. Just hit and you'll get my server that is on the end of my upstream.

A zone file is the sthing that makes DNS (and a lot of internet stuff) work. It is the bit that maps and IP to a domain. As my IP is not fixed the service at allows my to have a very quick update on their servers everytime my IP changes. So it makes it much easier to remember where my system is connected rather than the randomized IP address that DHCP gives me.

2) Other LAN stuff got done. I have split my FTP and web servers. I now have the http service running on a win2k / IIS 5 box while FTP is portmapped to a linux box where it works much better than MSFTP service. Still figuring out IPtables and stateful NAT routing but that will be done soon. Well all this is on the second build of dusky, my linux machine, cos I farked the furst one by running fsck on the HD when it was mounted. "this operation may cause severe errors". One boot-up kernel panic 'error no init' later and I find that they aren't kidding so back come the source disks and off we go. Well dusky is feeling ok now except the iptables install is a lil off centre but it should be fine.

3) Well PC related but not LAN, I got Cubase VST5/32 and Propellerhead Reason fully operational on my audio workstation so this means I now have an Audio/midi sequencer and an aft-slit kicking soft synth/Sampler. All rigged up to my Yamaha PSR-530 and I'm sorted. The yam has a real nice set of velocity controlled filters and the velocity program signals get sent to the software so I get full note-velocity controlled adaptive filtering on the wave output : .

4) More swimming diving organised. Got myself booked into the PADI basic open water dive course now so I'll be half way to advanced open water qualification when I pass this lil lot. That will be good as it'll give me a platform to go from for the future.

There we go, thanks for taking a moment to read this :. *snugs to y'all* TTFN and come back soon as I _should_ have another update by then.

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