May 03, 2012 23:55
Really wishing I could run away from home right now. Don't know if it's because of Aunt Flo making me seem pissed off/upset/depressed, but I really do not want to be here at this house. I wish my father knew how I feel about him nowadays.
I'm seriously thinking about packing up the cats, and at least half of my room, if I can drag it all, and finding a shelter to move into somewhere. And just live there till i can afford a place for me and Jason to live. I'm sick of my parents arguing all the time about stupid shit. I'm sick of my dad yelling at me for unnecessary things. I'm sure my mom has never told my dad how I feel about him. He's always so angry and negative towards both of us.
Then he's always saying that Jason's taking advantage of me, every time he hears about whatever we're doing. He's always critical of me and my siblings.
I'm just sick of him, seriously sick of his shit. Him being an asshole to me, and my mother. I'm just so pissed off I can't even think anymore... Gonna end it here.