Jun 18, 2007 21:12
So Texas came and went like a summer rain shower. That sucked, but the time spent in Texas was amazing. It was great that Joseph got to meet the family and vice versa. They like him, which is a nice change from the way they felt about the last one. Everyone that we said goodbye to for the final goodbye told Joseph to take care of me or else. Haha. That's never happened before. I like it.
I hung out with Stephanie a lot while I was in Texas. I have to say it's a good thing that we didn't hang out too much while we were in high school. I enjoy her habits too much. Lol.
I wish I could have hung out with Barbara more. She was always at work or doing something for school. We did get to have a date night. Too bad the date was ruined by Jeremy getting mad that Barbara didn't call the second she got out of the movie theater. That just pisses me off cause for the next 40 minutes she was begging to let her call him back cause she was with me at the moment and I was only going to be in town for the next few days. It pissed me off even more cause they're not even going out any more. She deserves better and I've told her this too. I can't make her do anything. She has to realize it and do it herself. She sent me a text today saying that she thinks she's over Jeremy and that she'll call me later with some crap to tell me. Seriously it pisses me off to talk about that creep.
Since I've been back I've been looking for a job. I had an interview today with the base today. They didn't want me cause I'm a college student. The lady even called a few places on base to see if they'd be willing to take on a college student. One said no cause they already had two and the other said no cause they've already got one. I guess these people only want long term people...good luck with that. Then there was some crap about it costing $4,000 to train an employee and spending $4,000 on a person for only 2 or so months wasn't a worthy investment. She said if a position came up where they were willing to take on a college student then she'd give me a call, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I went by McDonald's to pick up a application later on today and they said that they hold open interviews on Wednesdays from 9-10 am. So I'll just go by. The way I look at is this...I need a job now and McDonald's is willing to take anyone pretty much. Plus I've got experience out the ass with fast food. Plus I'm ServSafe certified which will only add some brownie points to me...
Right now my "room" is hella messy and I've got to clean in while waiting on a couple of phone calls. Good night ya'll.