I am home on sick leave. Couldn't do much because I fall asleep (and I must, too ;P)
Today I basted the rest of the boning casings (for one half of the corset) ironed them to adapt to the curves, and stitched. My stitching is not straight. I think I could use one of those quilting guides because I find it difficult to keep the distance even, with no guide whatsoever.
Ironed around cup.
This is how I put the waist tape. I forgot about it when I made the first bone channels, so I had to stitch over them to attach the tape. It is hold in place by the bone casing stitching.
Bones inserted.
Flossing, I am following the motif from the fashion plate.
I started flossing at the table, and it was ok. Then I switched to the sofa, and it went downhill. Very downhill. I am quite bad at embroidery and I get tired (and worse) very fast.
I am gonna have to remove it (even if it goes under the lace and it is difficult to see, it is so bad I don't want it there. I don't want to show it either.
I used cotton embroidery floss, what I had at hand. I dyed it with tea+camomile (it was white). I don't think I have enough to repeat everything. I'll go to the shop tomorrow and possibly get it cream colored already. And maybe green too (I have green but it isn't the exact shade of green of the ribbon, and it is perle, I think, one strand in any case)
Then I tried bees. I don't know if I am gona use bees, as they are not in the plate. I started with the one on the right, then got a little better, then a little better. Still not very nice though.
And yeah I hand-bound the top edge. I used the same tape I used for the waist tape (but dyed)