Oct 11, 2010 00:36
Jess, on sudden whim: Lalala. I think I will read Mill on the Floss by George Eliot. I don't know anything about it, but I've always wanted to read one of her novels.
Jess, after the first quarter: Aw! I like this book so much! The characters! So real! So amusing!
Jess, further into the first quarter: That Tom, what a jerk. Punch him, Maggie!
Jess, even further into the first quarter: Why, that Philip does rock! It's so nice that nobody's perfect.
Jess, even further into the second quarter: I feel optimistic that this is going to be one of those great English novels that ends happily!
Jess, on the third quarter: ... Okay, okay. Misfortunes and woe! It is after all a big dense English novel. It can still end happily.
Jess, further onto the third quarter: Maybe I'll just peek ahead at the end.
Jess, upon peeking ahead at the end: AUGH.
Jess, back into the third quarter: ...You are full of doom, but I will read you anyway.