Aug 30, 2005 17:07
Hi, I'm alive, and I have some free time at work, so..yes.
I need to go find more LiveJournal communities to whore in... ever since I've unjoined the World of Warcraft com, my friends page has been so lonely.
With that said, expect tons of picture entries once I get my digital camera. muahahaha.
Some basic things that have been going on recently:
-I started school at Canada instead of San Jose State
-It is MUCH easier than SJSU
-The teachers seem less out-there
-Lower expectations for students, but that goes along with my first point
-My speech teacher is rather pompous.
-I am enjoying oil painting, it's much better than painting with acryllics, which suck, and it is inspiring me to start my own projects.
-I got sunburned this weekend
-Note to self: Buy sunscreen
-Note to self v.2: Stop going outside, only bad things can result of it. Hissss.
-The newest Harry Potter broke my heart.
-The new The New Pornographers CD is fun, as usual. I also got an iPod thingy for my car, so I can listen to that now while i'm cruising down El Camino in my ghettomobile.
-I am in love with Punch Drunk Love.
-I rather miss SJSU
-I am looking for a new job. Preferably one that has nothing to do with customer service, though i'm starting to think that's pretty impossible, unless I get incredibly lucky.
That's about it.