whoo hooo schoool is cooool.

Aug 31, 2005 16:30

Well school is just fabulous, okay i wouldnt go that far but the first 3 days havent been to shabby. Im not used to the whole 6 classes thing yet since in used to work release but 2 hours are pretty easy anyway. Spanish is pretty good but having briggs freshmen year really puts me behind. Chemistry is just....chemistry. So far i love being a peer counselor especially because i share the hour with andrea and Janel and i've never really talked much with Janel and i love her she is the coolest person ever. Algebra 2 sucks Aide is lovely and COmp lit is just grand because i love mrs.j
well nothing is new, im at work, tomorrows school and then a LONG WEEKEND whooo... im going to the mall of america and im pretty pumped
ill talk to you all later
love love love
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