HOw do i love you? We'll let me see i love you like a lyric loves you like a melody

Nov 22, 2004 21:28

Sorry Lace I gotta listen to Garth he's just too cool for words :)
This weekend was alright... Friday i stayed home like one cool person, saturday me n ashlee babysat and sunday was our Thanksgiving party.
Today was had a much needed talk with lacey and now i feel so relieved and better....and finally now getting ready for sleep time
Tomorrow is our last day for the week WHOO HOO. That deserves an AMEN and tomorrow night im going bowling and wednesday i have to work and everyone knows what Thursday is TURKEY DAY!!!! its so exciting

And the greatest news of them all...drum roll please.... IM GETTING RASCALL FLATTS TICKETS OH MY GOSH
i havent been able to control my happiness wow that is so exciting

well im off to bed good night love you

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