Jan 25, 2006 13:24
Fire Alarm #6 went off last night. Ri-freaking-diculous. At least they fixed the voice thingamajig so it now says "Please find the exit" blah blah blah, and no longer gets stuck at "Pl-,Pl-,Pl-"
Karman: "Frolic... it looks so harsh for such a lovely word."
SUNNY MARTIN is my favoritest person!!! I heart her like whoa. She drew me a picture of Martin Luther King Jr.
Jenny: "He's not even black!" ;)
And Chase sent me a puppy dog card. Apparently he's still my soulmate, according to Jenny. She thinks about these things in the shower??
We have watched countless retarded MTV reality shows lately and my brain is starting to turn to jello from it.
We were woken up twice this morning... once at 4 from a text message, and once at 6 from a phone call. Bastard! ;)
Somehow the roomie and I ended up in the same math lab group. Seriously, how the hell did that happen? Weeeird.
Um, Dan is the coolest? Or I am? I don't know... our away messages are currently arguing... or matching, depending on how you look at it.
"Ding dong, ding dong, I'll ding your dong."
Hot dogs for dinner tonight? Oh, no...
Did I mention that I love Sunny Martin?
Mmmk, on a more serious note though, I hate art history. I feel like I'm the only one in the world who did bad on that quiz. Aaand I really, really, really dislike my math professor. He's not a bad person, but I cannot stand him as a teacher. Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and I have a feeling it's going to be really weird this year. Different, if nothing else, lol. I need to finish my cohort application and get that done with and submitted. And now, I should go do some homework? Damn CSA and its busy work...