Anar'alah, Anar'alah belore

Mar 17, 2009 16:15

It's spring! Lovely spring! Sun is shining, birds are singing.. Spring! Moomins are waking up and Snufkin has come back and is playing the spring song on the bridge with his harmonica.

So the spring is actually here. It's been warmer and warmer everyday and snow has started to melt away. Yesterday we had bit more snow though, but not much. Luckily. I already have had enough of snow this winter. I want summer to come!

I'd like to go to celebrate spring by going for a walk, but since I have this stupid spring flu, I think that it's just better to relax and watch the sun shining through window.

On Saturday I'm going to FFfin-meeting. That's gonna be fun! Nice people coming there, shopping, eating, having fun, .. It's just bit sad that few who were coming to meeting, had to cancel it. I so hoped that I'd see Maisa, we haven't seen each other since last summer when I visited Kuopio. But at least now I have 2,5e more to spend, because I don't have to buy her hot chocolate that I promised to her as birthday present. Mwahahaa. But now I'm mostly waiting to see Ville. Haven't seen him since Jan'08 and what's the best part is that he lives in Oulu too. But he's always at work or at bar, so we haven't had time to meet.

But I think that I'm gonna start to read a book now. Sepulchre by Kate Mosse. Hope it's as good as Labyrinth was.

weather, friends, books

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