Two Top Ten Lists....

May 17, 2002 11:30


Ways Star Wars Would Be Different If It Were Anime
by the readers of TheForce.Net

(And I peanutgallery ^_^)

10. Everybody would be yelling out what Force power their using when they fight
Sounds neat...
by General VeerZ
9. Stormtroopers now each have thirty minute agonizing death scenes... EACH
>You forgot the insight into the universe at the last moment.
by Mike Freeman
8. Chewbacca would be replaced by some sexy looking cat woman
don't see the down side...
by Shelby the Incredibly Rare Mini Tiger
7. R2D2 and C3PO could join together and transform into a weapon to save the rebelion
Form Blazing X-Wing!
by Paul Grabovac
6. The Death Star is now the Moon Imperium Crystal
by Jedi_Master_Allya
5. When Luke's hand is sliced off, his eyes pop out and he says "Waggagaggaaggagagaa!"
>Feh. Real Anime Warriors just grunt and attack more.
by the ewok avenger
4. Sailor Naboo, Sailor Tatooine, Sailor Coruscant, Sailor Yavin 4, Sailor Hoth, Sailor Bespin, Sailor Endor.....
Entirely new meaning to "Sailor Stars"...
by Joanna
3. You know how Princess Leia's gold bikini was a one-scene thing? Not any more.
Carrie Fisher was NOT that hot, people. On the other hand, let's get her designed by Masami Oobari and she could kill Imperials with a few basic calisthentics, so....
by Keith
2. Everything can explode. EVERYTHING.
>Consult #3. ^_^
by Darthie_Hamster
1. Three words: "Sailor Jar Jar"
by snowdog83

Part II

10. Each movie would be one season of 300 episodes
>Sounds neat...
by Darf Nader
9. Chewbacca would be a mess of SPIKED hair!!!
>Wookieball Z?
by Donnie
8. Proton torpedos change flightpath violently when fired before hitting target
>"Sir, their proton torpedoes are dodging our antimissile fire!" "....well, crap."
by Irving Finster
7. Luke changes gender every time he takes a hot bath
by Grandma Tarkin
6. Stormtrooper would have hideous growths, fangs, glowing red eyes and the ability to exploded when they die.
Oh, yay. The Imperal Storm Genocyber.
by Jedi Stuntman
5. AT-ATs would be replaced by mecha
That could be cool. Must ponder this.
by Kevin
4. Luke would have lost 3 gallons of blood when his arm was cut off
I am suddenly reminded of the Monty Python Sam Peckinpah skit.
by Dan Reyes
3. Han would grunt a lot
this changes from the movies how?
by Bob Stump
2. Everyone gets seizures watching lightsaber duels
Yodachu! I choose you!
by Lord Demeos
1. Well... forget about that PG rating!
Whyyyyyyy? Well, maybe if they have more scenes in 'Jedi'... no, let's not go there.
by Emperor Palpatim
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