Howdy, howdy, howdy!

Aug 31, 2004 04:55

Well, today is as good as any day to start my LJ, enough of my friends have finally convinced me to go through with it, not that I never wanted to, just finally have the motivation to do so. Perhaps because I am sleep deprived and fuzzy headed I decided that today was going to be when I get it set up. Enough babbling about that though.

A little about me first of might be nice. I am an otter, though I play at being a human most of the time, it is interesting that way. I work graveyards with mentally disabled. Sometimes I wonder who is watching who though, but that is for a different time. I am also going to school to attempt to get, first my bachelor’s degree in psychology, and then perhaps more later on. I often am tired from trying to do too much between work, school and friends. I am mated to a very special guy, I shall call him S. he is very special (everyone says that about their mates though) it has been an online relationship so far, but soon, in about 4 days, we will be together. I think that is all that really is important at the moment.

I have been told that the best thing to do is to write about the things you do that day, just tell a story, so here goes. I didn’t work last night so I slept in preparation for today. I was planning on going to a friend’s house and hanging out with her all day. She isn’t around much due to living in a different state on the other side of the continent. Last time I saw her was a little over a year ago I think she has always been a special friend to me. Puts up with a lot of my quirks and even encourages a few of them. Anyway, even sitting and chatting with her would have been great, but we decided to do something even better. After lunch we decided to head out to the rainforest. There are a series of trails, all together about 5 miles or so. We decided to walk on them all. It was gorgeous, the clouds of the day had burnt off making the air warm but not overly so. The lake was shimmering beautifully, we couldn’t have asked for a better day. Being a temperate rain forest there were lots of streams and rivers and being an otter, I couldn’t resist getting in the water and playing in it. sooo cold! The water is snow/glacier fed from the mountain tops, so it was a nice balmy 42 degrees or so. Enough to make my body numb, but it felt so good! It was an exhilarating experience and other then the wet underwear on the rest of the walk, it was perfect.

It was fun to chat with her just about everything from pirates to life changes. (no, I am not giving up my pirate ways) After I went to my brother’s family’s house and hung out with him since they live in the same area. My family doesn’t know I am gay, nor will I be telling them any time soon. Lets say they are very religious. Somehow politics came up and my brother, although not a republican started going on how bush was right about making a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages. He became very upset at the idea that gay marriage might become legal. That didn’t help with the ideas of me coming out of the closet to my family. When it does happen life will be a bit disrupted for them. Oh well, that is for a different day I think. It will most likely be a common theme through my posts.

I am here at work now and I am very tired. My pot of coffee has worn off. There is lots of stuff to write about my life, but it would be too much for here, and all in one day. It is hard to keep my thoughts organized anyway. I hope that when I read this through on a later day that It won’t embarrass me. Anyway, here I am now with my mark on the net in the form of a Live journal.
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